The ECB's Mario Draghi Should Be Talking About Monetary Policy, Not Fiscal


After all, it is actually monetary policy in the eurozone that Mario Draghi is in charge of as the head of the European Central Bank. It would probably behove him to concentrate his energies and remarks upon the subject that he’s thus responsible for rather than chatting on about policy for which he has no responsibility. But still he does it, telling the nation states what they should be doing with their tax and spend models when this is actually nothing to do with him at all:

Speaking at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s annual conference Jackson Hole, Wyo., Mr. Draghi said European central bankers and politicians each have a role to play in boosting demand and reducing joblessness. For its part the ECB is willing to take more stimulus measures if needed to keep low rates of inflation from becoming embedded in expectations of future price growth, he said.

“It would be helpful for the overall stance of policy if fiscal policy could play a greater role alongside monetary policy, and I believe there is scope for this, while taking into account our specific initial conditions and legal constraints,” Mr. Draghi said in his prepared remarks.

Although Mr. Draghi’s comments didn’t constitute an endorsement of rampant deficit spending to boost euro-zone economies, they nevertheless marked a shift away from years of preaching by ECB officials that governments needed to shrink deficits and undertake economic reforms even during times of economic weakness.

Critics say that mixing fiscal austerity with labor-market reforms exacerbated Europe’s downturn, even though they have long-term payoffs.

Yes, there are undoubtedly supply side reforms that are required in many of the eurozone economies. I live and work in one of them and I can see that with my own eyes, let alone with the benefit of an education in economics. The Portuguese economy is largely run for the benefit of the upper middle classes who get to be rent seekers by controlling the exorbitantly tedious bureaucracy one must go through before being able to do anything. This must change, it will be a long term effort and it will have long term benefits.

This is also obviously something that is the correct and proper province of the Portuguese national government, not Mario Draghi.

Similarly fiscal austerity has not been, to put it mildly, greatly helpful. Especially as large amounts of it have been done with strokes of the pen (nationalising one or two pension funds to meet deficit targets for example) rather than by actually reducing the amount the State wastes.

But, and I’m sorry to have to repeat this yet again, the great policy failure in the eurozone has been the maintenance of tight money even in the depths of this recession in some part of the eurozone and depression in other parts of it. And that is actually part of Mario Draghi’s remit and is something he should be concentrating upon.

For it is quite simply true, as people like Paul Krugman, Barry Eichengreen, Scott Sumner and further back Milton Friedman have been pointing out, that when you in an economic funk then you must have a loose monetary policy. This is what the Federal Reserve did not do in the 1930s and this is what turned the recession of 1929/30 into the Depression of 1932 onwards. As Eichengreen pointed out the solution for the European countries at that time was to come off the gold standard so they could have an expansionary monetary policy. As each of them did so they recovered.

This time around both the Fed and the Bank of England got it right: just having low interest rates is not loose money. If you’ve deflation, or the risk of it, then you need to do more in order to prevent the money supply from shrinking. Thus QE and all the rest. The one central bank that hasn’t been doing this is the ECB and yes, this is the reason why the periphery of the eurozone is in such appalling straits (Greek youth unemployment is well above 50%, Spanish near that, Portugal is losing percentage points of its youth to emigration each and every year. Yes, those are dire situations).

So it’s all very well for Draghi to pontificate on what governments should be doing about fiscal policy: but he really should get his own house in order first. The great lesson of the Great Depression was, and current experience in the US and UK proves it, that in economic bad times you must run a hugely expansionary monetary policy. The ECB has not been and for that we can and should be blaming Draghi. And further, not listening to him on other subjects but holding his feet to the fire over his failure to institute the known and correct policy that he is specifically responsible for.

There’s been one other piece of news this past 24 hours about the euro. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has said that it’s very difficult to have one single monetary policy for 18 different countries. In which statement she is quite correct of course. But that’s also the reason that the euro shouldn’t have happened in the first place: and if it was why it should have been very much more limited in scope. At most, Germany and the Benelux countries, maybe, just possibly plus Finland. There’s no way that Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy or even France should have joined it.



Draghi will not talk about monetary policy for two reasons : he is not ordered to talk about it and monetary policy of ECB is not done by the ECB. When Buba slams on the table, then it is done as they say