Why Forex/FX has remained decentralized?


I want to hear people's opinions on why the Forex Market has remained decentralized. Why for already a decade no Forex Brokers have come together to establish some sort of exchange? And do you think that such an exchange will benefit the industry?


because its easier to fiddle

and then hardly anything gets noticed

and if someone is caught, throw them to the wolves and then carry on as usual

the recent fiddling does n't even remotely cover how the markets are normally moved

and why do the biggest Forex market makers never take losses (ever)

(and people who really move the markets)

answer - as they all work as a team

so they will never regulate themselves, as they make all the rules anyway

because its easier to fiddle

and then hardly anything gets noticed

and if someone is caught, throw them to the wolves and then carry on as usual

the recent fiddling does n't even remotely cover how the markets are normally moved

and why do the biggest Forex market makers never take losses (ever)

(and people who really move the markets)

answer - as they all work as a team

so they will never regulate themselves, as they make all the rules anyway

Totally agree here