Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 139

Nothing will happen. They already got the FBI director. They will fix all the rest
we are getting close to pizdets...2 more days

Tomorrow on the day will time

What do you will trade or will also giving vote on ballots?


Tomorrow on the day will time

What do you will trade or will also giving vote on ballots?

I will probably work ends late so by the time I can go and vote I will know if my vote will have any meaning...
I will probably work ends late so by the time I can go and vote I will know if my vote will have any meaning...
Depends - on what they think you have to do :)
I will probably work ends late so by the time I can go and vote I will know if my vote will have any meaning...

I have read on survey if Clinton getting higher voted on survey instead Trump

but final decision of course will calculating all voter


I have read on survey if Clinton getting higher voted on survey instead Trump

but final decision of course will calculating all voter

I don't think votes are being counted...I think citizens are presented with numbers...and that is it.
Citizens are dead meat - elite is counting
Citizens are dead meat - elite is counting
like I said...they are just giving numbers...out of their ass
CA...Los Angeles...went to vote with my wife pointed to me that Trump's hole...where we punched paper ballot, was all worn out...the rest of holes were it from me...if they say California goes to the witch, it's a lie...(I live in a heavyly degenerat, elite, democratic part of the city)
we are entering the most dangerous 2.5 month period in human history