Bernanke will try to ease market rate fears, report says


With many Federal Reserve officials, including Chairman Ben Bernanke, having raised the prospect of a reduction in the pace of its asset purchase program in coming months, there are signs that financial markets think the Fed is heading to the exit in a hurry and have pushed forward the timing of the first rate hike.

But this is exactly what the Fed doesn’t want to see happen, according to Jon Hilsenrath of the Wall Street Journal.

So Bernanke will use the Fed meeting to try to assuage fears among investors that the bond buying program will end all at once and the Fed will soon raise short-term interest rates, the report said, quoting unnamed “officials.” Bernanke is due to hold a press conference on Wednesday after the latest interest rate decision.

Stocks surged after the report hit the wire right shortly the market close. Treasury prices extended their gains on the news.

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They know one week ahead what will Bernanke say. Talking about leaks (and who is leaking)