The 12 Smartest People On Wall Street


At Business Insider, we read a lot of investment research and market commentaries, and we talk with a lot of analysts and economists.

Of course, the best insights always come from the people who really know their stuff – and that knowledge and experience typically lends to a unique perspective that is hard to find anywhere else.

We've compiled a list of the analysts, economists, and managers we consider to be some of the smartest people in finance – the "must reads," if you will – and what they are saying now.

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No1 is Bill Gross (Pimco)

follow him and you wont go far wrong

and 2nd - the obvious choice Mr Buffet


The way he gets away with everything he does and he gets even stronger after all he does : Dimon. He is an obvious example that Wall Street agenda is not what we are told

The way he gets away with everything he does and he gets even stronger after all he does : Dimon. He is an obvious example that Wall Street agenda is not what we are told


Dimon is the mastermind of them all - others would already be in prison for a long time and yet he is still ruling his kingdom. Nothing to do with trading or banking or anything simlar, but everything to do with "Wall Street rules"

:):):) Dimon is the mastermind of them all - others would already be in prison for a long time and yet he is still ruling his kingdom. Nothing to do with trading or banking or anything simlar, but everything to do with "Wall Street rules"

That was my point exactly : the man is an "escape wizard"