Is Germany Finally About To Do What It Takes To Save Europe?


Since the European economic crisis began, Germany has widely been viewed as an impediment to recovery.

Monetary stimulus seems to violate the German constitution, and the government's view is that all countries across the eurozone should pursue fiscal discipline and German-like structural reforms.

This famous Venn diagram from @pawelmorski basically explains the situation.

Eventually, the ECB was able to address a critical component of the crisis (against the objections of the Bundesbank) when it established the OMT program, which promised to backstop government bond markets, provided said governments were willing to pursue reforms.

This program (which has never actually been used by anyone) was announced last July, and since then government borrowing costs have declined precipitously, nicely easing financial tensions across the eurozone.

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The "salvation" they have in mind is to get highly educated people from other parts of Europe that now are not able to find jobs in their own countries for cheap and suppress the other parts even more. Some salvation ...