Is your money safe in Cyprus?


With the Cyprus bailout and the concerns many traders have the most obvious question that comes to the minds of all traders is that if the money they have deposited with their broker is Safe?

For me i have no worry since my broker is MAYZUS and they have already informed me that they keep money in UK and Germany banks.

Moreover, my funds are protected by the Investor Compensation fund which would compensate me upto 20,000 Euros if my broker fails


Soon your money will not be safe anywhere


Keep your money in Switzerland banks to,that's the one way to security.


After they finish with "grab as much as you wish" taxing, not even Swiss banks will be safe


LoL, until last week I thought cyprus was a safe heaven and perfect location to be trading.. now its all changed lol


With 30% on deposits over 100.000 it is more like a hell. It won't be long before some others do the same


I think that Cyprus showed us that any banking system isn't reliable. If such situation is in popular offshore zone, what else we will wait from the others? The best way to safe your money is to dig it in the yard under the tree!!! heh)))


With the cost of banking and political systems, no bank is safe