[help]imacd's output is different with macd indicator



i modified the MACD Sample ea, make's it buy or sell close when macd goes from <0 to >0, sell or buy close when macd goes from >0 to <0.

bool CSampleExpert::LongClosed()
   bool res=false;

         if(m_macd_previous>0 && m_macd_current<0)
            //--- close position
               printf("Long position by %s to be closed",Symbol());
               printf("LongClosed : m_macd_previous=%f,m_macd_current=%f",m_macd_previous,m_macd_current);
               printf("Error closing position by %s : '%s'",Symbol(),m_trade.ResultComment());
            //--- processed and cannot be modified

bool CSampleExpert::LongOpened()
   bool res=false;

         if(m_macd_previous<0 && m_macd_current>0)
            double price=m_symbol.Ask();
            double tp   =0.0;//m_symbol.Bid()+m_take_profit;
            //--- check for free money
               printf("We have no money. Free Margin = %f",m_account.FreeMargin());
               //--- open position
                  printf("Position by %s to be opened",Symbol());
                  printf("LongOpened : m_macd_previous=%f,m_macd_current=%f",m_macd_previous,m_macd_current);
                  printf("Error opening BUY position by %s : '%s'",Symbol(),m_trade.ResultComment());
                  printf("Open parameters : price=%f,TP=%f",price,tp);
            //--- in any case we must exit from expert

but it happens like:

wrong close

then i checked the log, it displays:

RS    0    MACD (EURUSD,D1)    09:32:46    1994.09.02 00:01:00   Long position by EURUSD to be closed

FS    0    MACD (EURUSD,D1)    09:32:46    1994.09.02 00:01:00   LongClosed : m_macd_previous=0.000486,m_macd_current=-0.000098

why indicator's number is 0.001082 but m_macd_current is -0.000098 ?

macd.mq5  19 kb

Can anyone help?

Thanks very much!