need an example of Print() to print out an datetime array, thanks


need an example of Print() to print out an datetime array, thanks

   datetime time[50],time2[50];

   Print(" time2[i]= %9d", time2[i] );
   Print(" time2[i+1]= %9d", time2[i+1] );

i use above code , but it didn't show in the tester .log file~~


print and printf also OK, just for output the datetime array to debug , thanks


I turn out my code is work !

the reason why tester log didn't show the sentence



there are logical error of my code , which skip the Print() command

I am so sorry about that

LEE Chun Wing #:

I turn out my code is work !

the reason why tester log didn't show the sentence



there are logical error of my code , which skip the Print() command

I am so sorry about that

please how did you query the stuck wu=ith not getting the right values from my datetime array inside a for loop