Manual Trading System - Zürich - page 3


Trading rules


in all seriousness:

1.RAS says on its webpage, that "if you are a trading system expert", you can offer your signals on their website.

Look here:

Home | Rent a Signal

2.I am not making you bad! You offered a system, which this section is designed for, and it did not trade well.

What is even more mind bothering is the fact, that you made very wise statements in your previous introductionary posts, which you did not follow.

You traded exactly the opposite way, waiving all good trading practices.

It appears now, that you read some boilerplate language about trading somewhere and wanted to look smart in this forum and make readers believe, that you actually trade that way.

3.Now iGoR and myself are just wondering, what brings you here?

And in a public forum, it is certainly fine to comment on systems, which never lived up to their promise.

4.I am more critizing RAS itself, for even allowing systems without track record and history, after just a few days.

Rather than admitting, that you did not trade so well and blew an account in 48h and certainly did not apply proper MM, you feel insulted and start arguing.

How can you even think about arguing with your results.

The most dangerous trader is the one with a too big ego, since eventually there is a risk of never admitting a mistake and therefore not following own rules and risking the farm eventually.

As you wrote very correct, trading and specially trading third party money requires risk management, respect and discipline.

All that was missing in your trading.

When it comes to references, things are very clear. No need to publish a copy of your vita in a public forum, but if you are serious about your system, you will have results and even better, verified by a third party.

If you do not have that, than you should build your reputation by either posting your trading ideas or creating a track record in RAS.

If your system is there for many months, than other traders will notice your results or you can point them to your system ID in RAS in a very professional way.

You can build your own credentials using RAS and the track record.

Maybe that is a good way to start.




Stop screaming like a woman.

You don't understand one word of english and for that reason you think that whatever we say is revenge or personal agendas.

The picture at the bottom is your results from your trading.

You BLOW UP a 23K$ balance in 48 hours. You were trading without any stoplosses. How can you call yourself a good trader ?!?!...

After you blow up your account you come back with an other identity and open a new topic and pretending nothing happend

And you think that the senior members should keep quit and say nothing about this. GROW UP and FACE THE FACTS !.

Could you please answer the question: what would have happend if someone on RAS had followed your signals with real money ?


Would Like to Try Your System

Hello Chris,

I just now discovered your sytem on the forum and would very much like to try it out.

I've downloaded the files but I'm not really sure where they should go.

Do you have any kind of an Installation/Usage manual, or notes anywhere I mightrefer to?

The system looks very very good and I'd like to get it up and running.

Anyhelp would be appreciated very much,



Manual Trading System-Z�rich - RAS ID: ?

Account Balance: 10'000.- $ - 2009-November-06

Trading Style: High Risc Level


Depot at 2009-November-06 . TOTAL: + 12'582.34 $

Profit since 2009-November-06 - TOTAL: + 2'582.34 $ - but is this reality?.

see attachment # 6

see #9 the warning, please.

Kindest Regards