Eurusd/gbpusd - page 843

week no. eu- 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337, gu-6514, 6502, 6442, 6454

week no. 6442 ,6454 was signal buy--6485 tp1 43p, tp2 31p


I'll keep trying!

I'll keep trying to get someone to actually explain the signals. When I see the first set of prices, for example: "eu, 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337 "...what could I do here? buy at 4407?? sell at 4407? buy at 4393" is 4333 a stop loss?...WHAT ACTION DO THE PRICES QUOTED INDICATE? Please, I know you know exactly what you're saying. But I see a series of numbers/prices without understanding the implied action. I am not new to trading, and I understand the risk. And, I understand that you bear no responsibility for my trades. Now, could someone actually help me understand what these signals mean? I saw: "week no. eu- 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337, gu-6514, 6502, 6442, 6454"...what was the intended action for EU?? for GU??

The explanation: "signals buy/ sell , same no. every day all week, -read post 8418, trade with the trend"...really??...that makes it clear??...oh...that really clears things up...

Then I read: "day point eu 4366 was signal sell -- 4346 tp20p , later4351, 4366, 4379, 4392 was signal buy------"... so, did I miss the sell signal? I'm not sure what the buy signal was...evidently it was 4346? How did I miss it? Where was it?

For the last time, could someone take a minute and please give me a little detail about what I am looking at? Please. If you want to email me at, feel free.

I'll keep trying to get someone to actually explain the signals. When I see the first set of prices, for example: "eu, 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337 "...what could I do here? buy at 4407?? sell at 4407? buy at 4393" is 4333 a stop loss?...WHAT ACTION DO THE PRICES QUOTED INDICATE? Please, I know you know exactly what you're saying. But I see a series of numbers/prices without understanding the implied action. I am not new to trading, and I understand the risk. And, I understand that you bear no responsibility for my trades. Now, could someone actually help me understand what these signals mean? I saw: "week no. eu- 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337, gu-6514, 6502, 6442, 6454"...what was the intended action for EU?? for GU??

The explanation: "signals buy/ sell , same no. every day all week, -read post 8418, trade with the trend"...really??...that makes it clear??...oh...that really clears things up...

Then I read: "day point eu 4366 was signal sell -- 4346 tp20p , later4351, 4366, 4379, 4392 was signal buy------"... so, did I miss the sell signal? I'm not sure what the buy signal was...evidently it was 4346? How did I miss it? Where was it?

For the last time, could someone take a minute and please give me a little detail about what I am looking at? Please. If you want to email me at, feel free.

I believe what he is posting are possible signals. These are areas where price is likely to move from or pivot on. However, you do not know what will happen until you watch price action.

If he could tell you at the start of the day to buy at 1.3432 then sell at 1.3532 with this type of accuracy we would have to drown him for being a witch. So, unless I am wrong, I would suggest reading about price action, fib levels etc, to learn what to do when price reaches these points.


I appreciate your response

I believe what he is posting are possible signals. These are areas where price is likely to move from or pivot on. However, you do not know what will happen until you watch price action. If he could tell you at the start of the day to buy at 1.3432 then sell at 1.3532 with this type of accuracy we would have to drown him for being a witch. So, unless I am wrong, I would suggest reading about price action, fib levels etc, to learn what to do when price reaches these points.

I really have gained quite a bit of experience trading in the past few years. I realize no one can give 100% accurate anything. But, I appreciate your response. I just wanted someone, anyone to say "these are potential buy levels" or "these are sell signals to watch for" or "these are my intended entry levels" or here is my stop loss...

When a person such as myself, new to this thread, maybe new to these kinds of signals, sees "eu, 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337..." can you understand that I have no clue what the intention is regarding the various prices? Is it a smorgasbord of possible buys? possible sells? I do understand Fibonacci and pivots, enough so that I could easily give you a series of 4, 6, or 8 numbers/prices, and then come back and post a couple of hours later and tell you how I did? How does that help anyone? I am knowledgeable enough to know that this person has no way of knowing what will happen in the market. But, if he has a good methodology and sound risk management, he will have some winning trades. I would like to observe and demo these signals...if I only knew what they meant. Oh well. Thanks anyway.

I'll keep trying to get someone to actually explain the signals. When I see the first set of prices, for example: "eu, 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337 "...what could I do here? buy at 4407?? sell at 4407? buy at 4393" is 4333 a stop loss?...WHAT ACTION DO THE PRICES QUOTED INDICATE? Please, I know you know exactly what you're saying. But I see a series of numbers/prices without understanding the implied action. I am not new to trading, and I understand the risk. And, I understand that you bear no responsibility for my trades. Now, could someone actually help me understand what these signals mean? I saw: "week no. eu- 4407, 4393, 4333, 4337, gu-6514, 6502, 6442, 6454"...what was the intended action for EU?? for GU??

The explanation: "signals buy/ sell , same no. every day all week, -read post 8418, trade with the trend"...really??...that makes it clear??...oh...that really clears things up...

Then I read: "day point eu 4366 was signal sell -- 4346 tp20p , later4351, 4366, 4379, 4392 was signal buy------"... so, did I miss the sell signal? I'm not sure what the buy signal was...evidently it was 4346? How did I miss it? Where was it?

For the last time, could someone take a minute and please give me a little detail about what I am looking at? Please. If you want to email me at, feel free.

the explanation......that realy clears thing up- its verey simple, you trade with the trend with the week no./day point, move with the no..-today week no.4393, 4407 was signal buy--- (look at 15-m)its only game of no.

the explanation......that realy clears thing up- its verey simple, you trade with the trend with the week no./day point, move with the no..-today week no.4393, 4407 was signal buy--- (look at 15-m)its only game of no.

week no. 6454 from last night was signal buy-------stop out at 6570 tp 116p

week no. 6454 from last night was signal buy-------stop out at 6570 tp 116p

sorry post late

day point eu- 4363, 4391, 4427, 4444, 4465, 4486, 4504, gu- 6460, 6486, 6505, 6520, 6533, 6549, 6563

the explanation......that realy clears thing up- its verey simple, you trade with the trend with the week no./day point, move with the no..-today week no.4393, 4407 was signal buy--- (look at 15-m)its only game of no.

stop out 4493 tp1 100p !!!!tp2 86p !!!

sorry post late day point eu- 4363, 4391, 4427, 4444, 4465, 4486, 4504, gu- 6460, 6486, 6505, 6520, 6533, 6549, 6563

trade with the trend

today the trend was so the signals was- buy eazy, simple

sorry post late day point eu- 4363, 4391, 4427, 4444, 4465, 4486, 4504, gu- 6460, 6486, 6505, 6520, 6533, 6549, 6563

day point 4363, 4391, 4427, 4444, 4465, was signal buy----4485 tp1 122p, tp2 94p, tp3 58p, tp4 41p, tp5 20p, later trend was down so, 4486, 4465, 4444, 4427, 4391 was signal sell ---4383 tp1 97p, tp2 82p, tp3 61p, tp4 44p, tp5 8p