My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 93

Hi, FormulaOneFan:

Later I shall be putting a post to explain the rationale behind my trade on EURUSD, so that reader users of GET will know what is in my mind when I decided to go for this pair.

I hope Kenneth will also share his views as he himself has also done a trade on this pair. I know Kenneth's style - he will let everyone of us to have our chance first to analyze the trade, then he will close it up with his views - hehehe (pardon me, Kenneth, for imitating your chuckle).


Thanks Joe. Really appreciate your help with this one. I can't understand kenneth chart where he has pointed out fibo levels. Scratching my head on this one.

Hi, Volen:

I am glad you find the GET charts helpful, and thanks for attached the eBook about Elliott Wave patterns. I am sure readers of this thread will be keen to read about it - at least I am. Anything about Elliott Wave, I shall be exited to know more.

Normally everyday I will post GET charts for Wave 3 currency pairs, as we are focusing our trades on this longest and most profitable Wave 3.

As a matter of fact, if you are interested to lay your hands on GET, do a Google search for "GET software". Once you have that software, I can show you how to load data into it, and you will be able to produce the GET charts for any currency pairs you want.

Have a good weekend.


(PS: I note you have also put up a post in Modern Elliott Wave Trading using Elwave. That is good. I am sure there will be members using that thread will help you in whatever way they can.)

Hi, Joe

I sent my message earlier, but I didn't see it. However, I will replay it.

I downloaded "GET EOD" v.7.6.

I think that I must to create data from my metatrader4 and load it to GET.

I try without succes. I don't know wich format must be and how to load it.

Thanks Joe!!!

Have a nice day,


Hi, Joe

I sent my message earlier, but I didn't see it. However, I will replay it.

I downloaded "GET EOD" v.7.6.

I think that I must to create data from my metatrader4 and load it to GET.

I try without succes. I don't know wich format must be and how to load it.

Thanks Joe!!!

Have a nice day,


Very good, Volen. Give me a few minutes. I have to search which post # is it that teaches you how to load data from MT4 to GEt.



How to export/convert data from MT4 to GET

Hi, Joe

I sent my message earlier, but I didn't see it. However, I will replay it.

I downloaded "GET EOD" v.7.6.

I think that I must to create data from my metatrader4 and load it to GET.

I try without succes. I don't know wich format must be and how to load it.

Thanks Joe!!!

Have a nice day,


You just look for Post #728 on page 73. Don't thank me - thank Kenneth for taking the trouble to list down all the steps of doing this conversion.

Enjoy yourself, Volen.



Analysis of Joe's Trade on EURUSD

Hi, everybody:

There is nothing much that I can add to Joe's analysis as I feel he has done a very good job in explaining his thinking why he chose to trade on EURUSD and his Entry Timing.

I have high respect for this guy as he took the trouble and initiative to do further studies on his own on (1) Fibonacci techniques, (2) Candlestick techniques and (3) Chart patterns apart from knowing GET.

As I have mentioned before, I am not a pure Elliotician and it is my trading practice to combine both Elliott Wave charts IN COMBINATION with other technical analysis techniques.

And my stand is this: I would gladly share my experience and knowledge on ADVANCE GET as we do not have much available material on this but for Technical Analysis Techniques I would expect reader users of GET to do some study/reading on their own through books or via Internet as they are readily available and these are written by traders probably with more experience and knowledge than I have. Therefore on these topics, I would not be teaching readers.

I will only casually mention what I use and it will be up to readers themselves to do the follow-up study/reading based on those hints.

Signals from GET provide us the First Step and because we are using EOD GET, our Next Step is to use the Technical Features that are available in MT4 to do our conventional technical analysis using your favorite time frames for your Entries and Exits.

BREAKOUT Strategies is one of the techniques I use, and another is CONTINUATION PATTERNS. This is the term I would use to descriibe the technique used by Joe for his Entry as in the first instance the first support Fibonacci level of 23.6 has already been broken.

“Continuation Patterns” is a term used to describe a situation whereby a trend is in place but was subsequently interrupted by retracements (whether it is one bar or a few bars), but subsequently it resumed its major trend. For further reading, I suggest you visit the website: Forex Optical | Home where you can find some lessons on Chart Patterns, Candlesticks Patterns, etc.

I wish you all – MERRY XMAS and a PROSPEROUS 2010 in your forex trading.




Hi, Keneth

now I'm learning to use GET tanks to you . But I have little problem. I can't use 60min frame, the button is not working . Do you know how to fix this "error".



Hi, Keneth

now I'm learning to use GET tanks to you . But I have little problem. I can't use 60min frame, the button is not working . Do you know how to fix this "error".



Hi, Volen:

I am glad to know you can also use GET now, in addition to your own method of wave labelling. GET can act for you as a counter-check against your method. Where they agree, it gives you greater confidence.

Unfortunately the GET version that we all have is End of Day. It does not cater for 60 min time frame. You need a realtime version of GET to do this. Realtime means we have to pay for the realtime datafeed service from dataproviders like e-Signal and I was told this is very expensive. We may not be prepared to pay for it.

And finally, a word of guidance - (1) Use GET to look for Wave 3 patterns as it is the longest and most profitable wave to trade. Best is to ensure that GET has 3 to 4 alternate counts showing it is Wave 3. (2) Use GET's PIVOT feature to identify turning points and (3) Then use normal technical analysis to do your Timing Entry - I use (a) Fibonacci ratios, (b) Candlestick patterns and (c) normal Chart patterns for Breakouts and Continuation patterns. (Of course, you can also use any other techniques you find reliable to do this.)

Yesterday, I gave a website which gives lessons on these normal technical analysis techniques. Visit that site and study as much as you can their tutorial lessons - it is all free. It will definitely improve your techniques.

All the best, Volen.



Hi, Volen:

I am glad to know you can also use GET now, in addition to your own method of wave labelling. GET can act for you as a counter-check against your method. Where they agree, it gives you greater confidence.

Unfortunately the GET version that we all have is End of Day. It does not cater for 60 min time frame. You need a realtime version of GET to do this. Realtime means we have to pay for the realtime datafeed service from dataproviders like e-Signal and I was told this is very expensive. We may not be prepared to pay for it.

And finally, a word of guidance - (1) Use GET to look for Wave 3 patterns as it is the longest and most profitable wave to trade. Best is to ensure that GET has 3 to 4 alternate counts showing it is Wave 3. (2) Use GET's PIVOT feature to identify turning points and (3) Then use normal technical analysis to do your Timing Entry - I use (a) Fibonacci ratios, (b) Candlestick patterns and (c) normal Chart patterns for Breakouts and Continuation patterns. (Of course, you can also use any other techniques you find reliable to do this.)

Yesterday, I gave a website which gives lessons on these normal technical analysis techniques. Visit that site and study as much as you can their tutorial lessons - it is all free. It will definitely improve your techniques.

All the best, Volen.



Thanks, Kenneth, for your well given guidance.

For myself, I have already started reading (ie studying) the lessons from the forexoptical website. These lessons are really good. And it will definitely help me to improve my trading skills.

One day when I make it in the forex world, I owe it to you and of course to myself also for doing my part in studying and practicing what I have learned from you, from this forum and from forexoptical website.

Hope other reader users of GET will also do the same - hehehe (sorry, have to borrow this chuckle from Kenneth).




Today's Wave 3 from GET

Today we have 4 currency pairs which are displaying Wave 3 in GET. These are:-

EURUSD – Wave 3 Down – 3 alternate counts

GBPUSD – Wave 3 Down – 3 alternate counts

USDCHF – Wave 3 Up – 4 alternate counts

USDJPY – Wave 3 Up – 3 alternate counts

In each case, their PIVOTS are pointing in the same direction.

Attached is the file containing the charts for these pairs.

Which shall I trade when we have 4 choices? Constraint: Enough funds to trade ONE pair only.

The Problem of Choice is always present when we have a few potential trades.

Procedural-wise, we should examine their FUNDAMENTALS first before we decide.

After that, we will use Fibonacci Ratios and Candlesticks and Chart Patterns to time our entries.

Good Trading

