Fortune Trading Journal - page 7


Exit EUR/USD trade at 1.3268 and go long at the same price


Go short on EUR/JPY at 130.80

Go short on GBP/JPY at 141.98


Close the EUR/JPY trade at 130.60

Close the GBP/JPY trade at 141.62


Exit from EUR/USD trade at 1.3305

Go short on GBP/USD at 1.4371


Close the trade of EUR/AUD at 1.9139


Close the GBP/USD at 1.4341

Go short on EUR/JPY at 130.54

Go short on GBP/JPY at 141.38


Close the trade of EUR/USD at 1.3260


Close the EUR/JPY at 131.64



Entry Price 1.4385 long

Exit Price 1.4420

Stop Price 1.4300


Close the GBP/JPY trade at 141.72