What are the curriences with more volumes ?


What are the curriences with more volumes ?




then the first 6 are :

gbp jpy

gbp usd

usd chf

eur usd

usd cad

usd jpy


I am enlightened...If I had to guess I would have thought that the EUR/USD was the heaviest with cable being second...Thanks!



Frameguy's information is obviously wrong.

The highest volume is EUR/USD, followed distantly by GBP/USD, USD/CHF and UCD/JPY.

This is the reason why it is called the 4 Majors. Eurodollar does about 2x the volume of the other majors.

Why do you think the spread is 2 pips on the Euro? Volume/liquidity.

Kenny Rogers:
Frameguy's information is obviously wrong.

The highest volume is EUR/USD, followed distantly by GBP/USD, USD/CHF and UCD/JPY.

This is the reason why it is called the 4 Majors. Eurodollar does about 2x the volume of the other majors.

Why do you think the spread is 2 pips on the Euro? Volume/liquidity.

and the 6 Majors for volumes ?


That's your homework to find out the other 2 currencies after the Majors.


Several of the books I've read state that in 2006/2007, over 60% of currency volume is in E/U.

I do not know the statistics today, but that speaks for itselfs.


^ The problem is that your chart is wrong.

MT4, ECN, Futures, Spot...it doesn't matter. EUR/USD still has the most volume.

Expiry options are such a small part that it has negligible effect on the spot market. And most options are used as hedges.


Currencies with Volumes

Hope this helps. Apparently My Chart was wrong. I hope you copied it.


Currencies with Volumes

Good luck guys.



Here is some actual volume data for those interested
