How long does it take to become successful in forex? - page 6


Trading is a skill, just like sports, arts, medicine, etc. The education and knowledge is out there, but having the discipline to learn and develop a method that works for you is the question. Having what it takes to step up and take risks, and do the work necessary to review and improve your trading is what is required to become a trader, but controlling your emotions when, not IF, you lose money, is what will turn a trader to a successful one. A plan that works for you is important as well, but being able to stick to it day in and day out is critical. But if you’re still looking for a more definitive answer: Its a must to trade a demo account for a year before you start trading in the financial markets. Most probably it will take three to five years from those demo experienced traders to acknowledge that they did not know what they were doing.” And It will take about 10 years of deliberate practice to master the art of trading, as well as any other skill. Good luck


What is needed to be successful in trading business?

Hello all traders,

I am new in forex tsd. I just started here. I don't have better knowledge on trading. Can you all tell me how to be successful in trading business?

All advice will be highly appreciate!


To become a successful trader it varies from person to person, because there are too many variables. It depends on the time you spend every day in front of the charts, the discipline that you apply to your learning and trading, the people that surround you and that help you minimize your learning curve, the capital that you have available to get your feet wet. All that varies.


It will depend on individual, talent, efforts etc. But one principle here: keep learning to keep the pace of market.


Obviously succeeding in Forex is something that takes its time and there is no standard period for everybody, I know traders who have become successful in 6 months and others who after a year are still trying to find the right way. Success depends on many factors.


Top 4 Things Successful Forex Traders Do.:

1 Introduction To The Forex Market

2 The Basic Framework

3 Finding Entry and Exit Points

4 Money Management and Risk

thank you


The duration of being successful depends on individual. The amount of effort you are willing to put and confidence you have in yourself. Some takes longer while some it for a short period of time.


Almost 3 years before I became aware of basics