Successful Trader Statistics



A simple poll - who is making money on FX and who is not.

By making money (or not) I mean -

Option 1 - if you get what you want from FX in terms of money, you're in, click here.

Option 2 - by NOT making money I mean - I'd better be off staying away and spending the dough on beers rather then FX....

Option 3 - I've lost me depo, but I've just learnt a new brilliant strategy that will make me rich....

(personally, I'm in 3)



no pessimists so far...

do you know that a human being is a reality-twisting creature?

Better than grvitation if you know the Einsten's theory....




A simple poll - who is making money on FX and who is not.

By making money (or not) I mean -

Option 1 - if you get what you want from FX in terms of money, you're in, click here.

Option 2 - by NOT making money I mean - I'd better be off staying away and spending the dough on beers rather then FX....

Option 3 - I've lost me depo, but I've just learnt a new brilliant strategy that will make me rich....

(personally, I'm in 3)

i'm 3 then 1


Forex Indicators Collection


Well said!




all trader should read that...


Forex Indicators Collection


Brilliant statement, all traders should read it.


We could add the number 39: wait 20 years and you would be successful trader

The Trader Development Path.

I like it!!! thanks sharing this information