Looking for Text Label Indicator


Hello coder/programmer,

I am trying to test some indicators and put them in many templates. I put the standard MT4 text label in each template.

The problem is the text label disappear when i change the time frame or when i close and reopen the MT4 so i can not see which template that i am used.

May you create a text label indicator that displayed permanent even i change the TF or close and reopen MT4, which have some option to edit the text, change color, size, font and movable position in the chart?

Your help i will appreciate

Thank you in advance



Is this request too difficult for coder/programmer?


you can edit from this indicator's source code.

Good luck

you can edit from this indicator's source code. Good luck

Thank you for your response but i am not understand to modify the source code since i am not a programmer.



scalping.rar  262 kb