Are there no "and" "or" operators in mql4??


I am just learning to code mql4 and it appears as though there are no "and" "or" operators which are common to almost any programming language. In the mql4 documentation it gives the usual bitwise and logical operators but no "and" "or". Does this mean that all expressions comparing various conditions will have to be a complicated combination of nested if else and switch statements. Is there no way to write an expression such as this in mql4 without using nested if or switch statements: if(((a>b) and (e>b)) or (r>s)) {} ?

Thank you for your time

I am just learning to code mql4 and it appears as though there are no "and" "or" operators which are common to almost any programming language. In the mql4 documentation it gives the usual bitwise and logical operators but no "and" "or". Does this mean that all expressions comparing various conditions will have to be a complicated combination of nested if else and switch statements. Is there no way to write an expression such as this in mql4 without using nested if or switch statements: if(((a>b) and (e>b)) or (r>s)) {} ? Thank you for your time

use this && for "and"

|| for "or"


if(((a>b) && (e>b)) || (r>s))


blah blah blah



thanks, ejoi


Use of logical operators

I am trying to write and "if" statement that requires the use of two &&.

for example if ( A>B && C>D && E>F) buy

if (A<B && C<D && E<F) sell

When compilig I get no errors. However, the system seems to hangup and does not do anything. I have tried using a single && and everything works fine. Is there a way to use two or more && in a single "if" statement


Something is definately wrong with your code. There is nothing wrong with those 2 statements.

Try validating each condition individually and see which one stalls, e.g.

if (A>B) Print("1");

if (C>D) Print("2");

if (E>F) Print("3");

If a sequence of 1,2,3 doesn't appear in your Journal, then you'd know which condition fails.


Not the Language

I am trying to write and "if" statement that requires the use of two &&.

for example if ( A>B && C>D && E>F) buy

if (A<B && C<D && E<F) sell

When compilig I get no errors. However, the system seems to hangup and does not do anything. I have tried using a single && and everything works fine. Is there a way to use two or more && in a single "if" statement

I have put up to 5 &&s in an If statement and there wasn't any problem. I suppose you could bracket your conditions, but this should only be necessary for || (ors). There is definitely something wrong with your code. Its probably very subtle.

I am trying to write and "if" statement that requires the use of two &&.

for example if ( A>B && C>D && E>F) buy

if (A<B && C<D && E<F) sell

When compilig I get no errors. However, the system seems to hangup and does not do anything. I have tried using a single && and everything works fine. Is there a way to use two or more && in a single "if" statement
if ((A > B) && (C > D) && (E > F))


OrderSend(); //Buy


if ((A < B) && (C < D) && (E < F))


OrderSend(); //Sell


This will work.


I have a similar problem.

This simple code alway give "true" as result, when must give "false". Any idea about the problem?

Thanks in advace

   double a=3;
   double b=5;
   bool c=true;
   bool d=false;
   if ((a<b)&&(c=true)&&(d=true))

I have a similar problem.

This simple code alway give "true" as result, when must give "false". Any idea about the problem?

Thanks in advace

You re using assignment operator for boolleans not comparison operator

Change that to this

   double a=3;
   double b=5;
   bool c=true;
   bool d=false;
   if ((a<b)&&(c==true)&&(d==true))

and it will work OK


I try used operator && if more time

but doesn't work
Is this  correct?

if ((a && b) && (c && d ) && ( e && f))

Thank you

  1. “Doesn't work” is meaningless — just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires — meaningless.
         How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. 2004
              When asking about code

    Use the debugger or print out your variables, including _LastError and prices and find out why. Do you really expect us to debug your code for you?

  2. Your code
    if ((a && b) && (c && d ) && ( e && f))
    if (a && b && c && d && e && f)