Learning Cycles For New Traders - page 21


Guys, Don't Loose Time Here, Because I Think Somebody Is Trying To Sell Something One More Time...

I Wouldn't Encourage This People By Expecting They Will Reveal You Something For Free ....

I Have A Good System And I Know That The Only Way I Can Help Little Retail Traders Is To Give Some Hints Or Try To Filter The Best Trades And Publish These Here.if I Would Publish A System None Could Profit Anymore ..

I Think People Forget That The Forex Container Is Not An Infinit Source Of Money For Everybody....


I want this thread closed, and this method....it does not work.....I was stupid to think so....Technical analysis is Bull Shit ( sorry, I had to use that word ). Logic, is Logic, and it will work....forever....I suggest everyone.....

Quit using technical analysis ! Use logic trading ! Think ! If you try hard, I promise you'll make it to the end.

God bless You all !

Pray everyday for the help of finding Your logic method.

When You do good things, You'll get back good things in reward, which might be the logic method.

Be Christian, follow God's ways, and You will be saved, in trading and in life.

I want this thread closed, and this method....it does not work.....I was stupid to think so....Technical analysis is Bull Shit ( sorry, I had to use that word ). Logic, is Logic, and it will work....forever....I suggest everyone.....

Quit using technical analysis ! Use logic trading ! Think ! If you try hard, I promise you'll make it to the end.

God bless You all !

Pray everyday for the help of finding Your logic method.

When You do good things, You'll get back good things in reward, which might be the logic method.

Be Christian, follow God's ways, and You will be saved, in trading and in life.

oh I see so now God is gonna help us fill our pockets with pips. good method there bro. jeeezus what a frickin troll.


it seems the holy is not holy any more in this thread, has he commited any sins?


this guy is opening pointless threads everywhere! What about banning him moderators?


I'm Interested Please


.............................I have been trading the River live for 4 months and usually make between 200 to 700 pips per week. .................


I am interested in this system which makes you between 200 to 700 pips per week. Would you be kind enough to give more information. Thank you

I am interested in this system which makes you between 200 to 700 pips per week. Would you be kind enough to give more information. Thank you

Look Here:




good job man ....


NO i'm not!


Dan, I don't have any idea and don't really care why you made some of your posts but you really can't blame people for being on your case since you invite that when you make the kind of posts that you have made and then not follow thru after making claims.

NO i'm not!