Got the alerts, now we need to find the system


Hi all,

I have been receiving forex email alerts from a trader for the past two months and the results have been very positive. However, he's now closed his doors as he was just testing his system.

I must admit, I was impressed with the results as I followed the trades and made on average of around 150 pips a week. So far, only one losing week out of 8 and it was just 30 pips.

I know that the system is a technical one, that I've managed to get out of the guy but that's all that he's letting on. Anyway, since I have a record of all the trades made.. I was wondering once I get this all together and post the entries (time, date, pair etc), would people be able to help me try and decipher it all and try and figure out and possibly build a Expert Advisor for it?

His rules once a trade is initiated is to open two lots. There is a 50 pip stop for both and then two limit orders (per lot) 50 and 100 pips away. Once the 50 pip limit is reached for the first lot, the stop loss for the other lot is moved to breakeven.

Let me know if there's interest and once I get together the trades, I'll post it all.



Thanks! Can You please explain in a little bit more deatil..and maybe a picture example if You will? Would be really appreciated! I love these kinds of know...

+100, +100, +100, +100, - 30. You know? Cool results. I am looking forward for You reply. Thanks, again.




Hi all,

I have been receiving forex email alerts from a trader for the past two months and the results have been very positive. However, he's now closed his doors as he was just testing his system.

I must admit, I was impressed with the results as I followed the trades and made on average of around 150 pips a week. So far, only one losing week out of 8 and it was just 30 pips.

I know that the system is a technical one, that I've managed to get out of the guy but that's all that he's letting on. Anyway, since I have a record of all the trades made.. I was wondering once I get this all together and post the entries (time, date, pair etc), would people be able to help me try and decipher it all and try and figure out and possibly build a Expert Advisor for it?

His rules once a trade is initiated is to open two lots. There is a 50 pip stop for both and then two limit orders (per lot) 50 and 100 pips away. Once the 50 pip limit is reached for the first lot, the stop loss for the other lot is moved to breakeven.

Let me know if there's interest and once I get together the trades, I'll post it all.


hope to see your great system here


Forex Indicators Collection


hi guys,

I dont have the system.. I just have the entry points for the trade.. I don't know the methodology the trader used to enter the trades. What I am hoping to do is to upload all the trade logs and from here, we could look together to see how the entries are being made.

It is extremely profitable though with relatively low risk... I am typing it all up now and hope to post soon. Regards


ok.. here are the historical alerts

Hi all,

I have finished the painstaking task to typing up a heap of signals. I hope it makes sense. The first two columns show the date and time (GMT) of the trades. The 'trade' column signifies a long or short, the 'pair' column is the forex pair trade and finally the price is the price traded.

There are four currency pairs which are traded here.. eurjpy, gbpjpy, jpyusd and gbpusd.

Remember the trade rules are to open 2 lots at entry. Set a 50 pip stop loss. Then 1 lot has a limit order 50 pips away and the second lot 100 pips away. If the first lot of closed in profit then move the stop for the other lot to breakeven (ie initial price).

There are frequently many trades and it's quite profitable week on week.

Let's hope we can find the system.

Let me know if anyone is interested in helping to reverse engineer this. I do what I can to make it easier... I'll try and upload charts of where the trade entry points are.. visually presenting the below data may make it easier for people.


Date Time Trade Pair Price

5.3.2007 17:00 short eurjpy 151.87

5.3.2007 19:26 short usdjpy 115.82

6.3.2007 01:30 long jpyusd 116.16

6.3.2007 01:30 long eurjpy 156.56

6.3.2007 01:30 long gbpjpy 224.45

6.3.2007 07:04 short gbpusd 192.51

6.3.2007 13:57 short eurjpy 152.18

6.3.2007 04:31 long eurjpy 152.65

6.3.2007 04:31 long gbpjpy 224.34

6.3.2007 04:31 long jpyusd 116.42

7.3.2007 03:23 long eurjpy 152.13

7.3.2007 03:23 long gbpjpy 224.94

7.3.2007 03:23 long jpyusd 116.49

8.3.2007 01:05 short gbpusd 192.97

9.3.2007 12:31 long gbpusd 193.13

12.3.2007 12:28 short eurjpy 154.75

12.3.2007 12:28 short gbpjpy 227.2

13.3.2007 00:30 short gbpusd 1.931

13.3.2007 03:30 short eurjpy 154.9

14.3.2007 02:00 short gbpusd 1.9281

14.3.2007 14:00 long gbpusd 1.9289

14.3.2007 18:33 long eurjpy 154.37

14.3.2007 18:33 long gbpjpy 225.73

15.3.2007 09:00 long gbpusd 1.9341

16.3.2007 07:05 short jpyusd 116.95

16.3.2007 15:10 short jpyusd 116.79

19.3.2007 01:30 long jpyusd 117.08

19.3.2007 01:30 long gbpjpy 227.25

19.3.2007 08:26 long gbpusd 1.9442

20.3.2007 13:21 short eurjpy 155.82

20.3.2007 13:21 short jpyusd 117.08

21.3.2007 07:29 long eurjpy 156.47

21.3.2007 07:29 long jpyusd 117.51

22.3.2007 09:01 long gbpjpy 231.16

22.3.2007 09:28 long eurjpy 157.2

23.3.2007 08:39 long gbpusd 1.9675

23.3.2007 09:00 short eurjpy 156.92

23.3.2007 09:00 short jpyusd 117.76

23.3.2007 09:30 short gbpjpy 231.09

25.3.2007 07:30 short eurjpy 156.8

26.3.2007 13:01 long eurjpy 157.04

26.3.2007 13:01 long jpyusd 118.34

26.3.2007 13:28 long gbpusd 1.9638

27.3.2007 08:08 short jpyusd 118

27.3.2007 11:09 short gbpusd 1.9641

27.3.2007 11:09 short gbpjpy 232.24

28.3.2007 06:03 short eurjpy 156.9

29.3.2007 07:30 long eurjpy 156.23

29.03.2007 07:30 long usdjpy 117.32

30.03.2007 08:59 short gbpusd 1.956

02.04.2007 06:35 long usdjpy 117.78

02.04.2007 15:20 short usdjpy 117.61

03.04.2007 05:00 long usdjpy 117.87

03.04.2007 14:27 long gbpusd 1.9782

10.04.2007 06:30 long gbpusd 1.9672

10.04.2007 09:02 long gbpjpy 234.53

10.04.2007 09:20 long eurjpy 159.21

13.04.2007 05:59 short jpyusd 118.82

18.04.2007 06:04 long gbpjpy 238.4

18.04.2007 12:00 short gbpjpy 237.65

18.04.2007 12:00 short eurjpy 160.85

19.04.2007 02:00 short eurjpy 160.82

19.04.2007 02:00 short gbpjpy 237.16

19.04.2007 22:02 long jpyusd 118.63

23.04.2007 17:00 short eurjpy 160.86

24.04.2007 13:58 long eurjpy 161.3

26.04.2007 02:38 long jpyusd 119.05


Hi guys,

According to datas, he has been using 30 min chart n higher/lower breakout

Trend follower ( Might EMA ) with RSI or Slow Stoch indicators