Dailybreak, MonthlyBreak, WeeklyBreak indicators??


Hi guys, I ran into 3 indicators recently but I don't remember if they were on this forum or another and they were called Dailybreak, Weeklybreak, Monthlybreak. They're nice and simple little indicators that show the highs and lows of daily, weekly, monthly, these are not zig zag indicators they are breakout indicators. Can someone post these if they have them or direct me to a link where I can download them? Thanks for your time.



Hi guys, I ran into 3 indicators recently but I don't remember if they were on this forum or another and they were called Dailybreak, Weeklybreak, Monthlybreak. They're nice and simple little indicators that show the highs and lows of daily, weekly, monthly, these are not zig zag indicators they are breakout indicators. Can someone post these if they have them or direct me to a link where I can download them? Thanks for your time.

This is an indicator i made for someone recently it shows Current Daily/Weekly/Monthly High/Low and Previous Daily/Weekly/Monthly High/Low plus the central Pivot if required. It has many display options and i think can do everything the 3 indicators you mentioned can do and more.



mtf_hi_low.mq4  21 kb

cja, I have tried the indicator you posted, this is not the indicator I was referring to but thank you for trying. cheers

Hi guys, I ran into 3 indicators recently but I don't remember if they were on this forum or another and they were called Dailybreak, Weeklybreak, Monthlybreak. They're nice and simple little indicators that show the highs and lows of daily, weekly, monthly, these are not zig zag indicators they are breakout indicators. Can someone post these if they have them or direct me to a link where I can download them? Thanks for your time.

Recently i downloaded these indicators from this forum.I think this is what you required.
