Larry Williams


An American futures trading guru and promotional speaker who promises to show people how to "beat the share market'' has been arrested in Sydney for alleged tax evasion.

Larry Richard Williams, 64, had just arrived on a Qantas flight from South Africa on Saturday when he was escorted from Sydney Airport by Australian Federal Police.

The US Internal Revenue Service is seeking his extradition for $US1.5 million ($A1.99 million) in alleged tax evasion between 1999 and 2001.




Still he can't beat the law. Anybody using his William's Percent Range indicator?


I have a feeling Jesus_Irl is bringing this to attention in an attempt to take a shot at CockEyedCowboy after they both exchanged insults earlier on this forum.


I just think it's amusing that this almighty trader evades paying his taxes.

Of course all the groupies will probably think it was an honest mistake. It's pretty common for economic masterminds to forget to pay taxes for three years. He's a joke.

An American futures trading guru and promotional speaker who promises to show people how to "beat the share market'' has been arrested in Sydney for alleged tax evasion.

Larry Richard Williams, 64, had just arrived on a Qantas flight from South Africa on Saturday when he was escorted from Sydney Airport by Australian Federal Police.

The US Internal Revenue Service is seeking his extradition for $US1.5 million ($A1.99 million) in alleged tax evasion between 1999 and 2001.



Old News. But at least your learning something, thats nice.

If your a (profitable) trader you will look for all the tax savings you can find. Larry, moved to the Virgin Islands set up residency there due to the taxs savings afforded. But the US goverment is still classifing Larry as a US main land resident and is forceing him to paid taxes as such. I also found that the IRS will only go after someone if they have something that can be taken, as in Larry's case. (me too, have had to fight the IRS, I won!)

I've meet Larry on a number of occassion. I have attended all day simiars of his. (COMPed). The above statement came frome him personally. (not in exact words).

Now if the truth be known, that most FX brokers donot have you fill out any tax forms, and that they donot send the IRS 1099s then they would be a whole lot of new FX trader showing up just for that reason alone.

The Cockeyed Cowboy