Refined Elliott Trend


Anyone knows about Refined Elliott Trend?? I don't know how it works. I really dont have any idea about it


Are you talking bout these guys?


Elliottician and Swannell Serial Fraudsters

Sorry suckers, but Richard Swannell has been a fraudster all his life.

Any posts purporting to have used his software successfully are fraudulent posts planted by Swannell.

I purchased an Exidy Sorcerer from Dick Smith in Australia in '80, and in '81 wanted to sell my 'Space Invaders' clone (and subsequently PacMan, Centipede and other clones). The local store sold a couple of Exidy software products from 'Mytek' of Perth, so I approached them, striking a royalty deal. Only a few peppercorn royalty payments ever followed. From a Richard Swannell.

In late '82 the 'Applied Technology' Microbee (also a Z-80 machine) was taking Australia by storm. It's flexible video chip allowed it to readily emulate the Sorcerer; hence I ported my games to a growing, and colour platform.

Before I could market them, I wandered into a local store only to see my original Sorcerer work ported to the Microbee, and on sale (by Richard S) without my knowledge or consent.

Fuming, I rang Perth, and wiser for my former experience, refused to negotiate a new royalty deal. Rather, in the face of obvious theft of IP, I insisted upon extortion, in return. Immediately. I demanded and received a cheque for $3000, under threat of legal action. In retrospect, I must have been very fortunate to be one of the few to have ever really profited from Swannell. I doubt he ever made any money from Sorcerer or Microbee sales.

Not content, in subsequent years he had the temerity to mail me all sorts of whacko ponzi schemes; soaps, air fresheners, you name it...

Plainly a fraudster in the Tim Johnston (Firepower) and Peter Foster mould.


Stay away they are thieves and customer service is their last priority. Use a simple zigzag indicator and you'll save the $3000 that I wasted on their product