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Forex Scalping – Extensive guide on how to scalp forex.

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Forex scalping is a popular method involving the quick opening and liquidation of positions. The term “quick” is imprecise, but it is generally meant to define a timeframe of about 3-5 minutes at most, while most scalpers will maintain their positions for as little as one minute.

The popularity of scalping is born of its perceived safety as a trading style. Many traders argue that since scalpers maintain their positions for a brief time period in comparison to regular traders, market exposure of a scalper is much shorter than that of a trend follower, or even a day trader, and consequently, the risk of large losses resulting from strong market moves is smaller. Indeed, it is possible to claim that the typical scalper cares only about the bid-ask spread, while concepts like trend, or range are not very significant to him. Although scalpers need ignore these market phenomena, they are under no obligation to trade them, because they concern themselves only with the brief periods of volatility created by them.

Forex scalping is not a suitable strategy for every type of trader. The returns generated in each position opened by the scalper is usually small; but great profits are made as gains from each closed small position are combined. Scalpers do not like to take large risks, which means that they are willing to forgo great profit opportunities in return for the safety of small, but frequent gains. Consequently, the scalper needs to be a patient, diligent individual who is willing to wait as the fruits of his labors translate to great profits over time. An impulsive, excited character who seeks instant gratification and aims to “make it big” with each consecutive trade is unlikely to achieve anything but frustration while using this strategy.

Scalping also demands a lot more attention from the trader in comparison to other styles such as swing-trading, or trend following. A typical scalper will open and close tens, and in some cases, more than a hundred positions in an ordinary trading day, and since none of the positions can be allowed to suffer great losses (so that we can protect the bottom line), the scalper cannot afford to be careful about some, and negligent about some of his positions. It may appear to be a formidable task at first sight, but scalping can be an involving, even fun trading style once the trader is comfortable with his practices and habits. Still, it is clear that attentiveness and strong concentration skills are necessary for the successful forex scalper. One does not need to be born equipped with such talents, but practice and commitment to achieve them are indispensable if a trader has any serious intention of becoming a real scalper.

Scalping can be demanding, and time-consuming for those who are not full-time traders. Many of us pursue trading merely as an additional income source, and would not like to dedicate five six hours every day to the practice. In order to deal with this problem, automated trading systems have been developed, and they are being sold with rather incredible claims all over the web. We do not advise our readers to waste their time trying to make such strategies work for them; at best you will lose some money while having some lessons about not trusting anyone’s word so easily. However, if you design your own automated systems for trading (with some guidance from seasoned experts and self-education through practice) it may be that you shorten the time which must be dedicated to trading while still being able to use scalping techniques. And an automated forex scalping technique does not need to be fully automatic; you may hand over the routine and systematic tasks such as stop-loss and take-profit orders to the automated system, while assuming the analytical side of the task yourself. This approach, to be sure, is not for everyone, but it is certainly a worthy option.

Finally, scalpers should always keep the importance of consistency in trade sizes while using their favored method. Using erratic trade sizes while scalping is the safest way to ensure that you will have a wiped-out account in no time, unless you stop practicing scalping before the inevitable end. . Scalping is based on the principle that profitable trades will cover the losses of failing ones in due time, but if you pick position sizes randomly, the rules of probability dictate that sooner or later an oversized, leveraged loss will crash all the hard work of a whole day, if not longer. Thus, the scalper must make sure that he pursues a predefined strategy with attention, patience and consistent trade sizes. This is just the beginning, of course, but without a good beginning we would diminish our odds of success, or at least reduce our profit potential.

Now let’s take a look at the contents of this article where forex scalping is discussed with all its details, advantages and disadvantages. Our suggestion is that you peruse all of this article and absorb all the information that can benefit you. But if you think that you’re already familiar with some of the material, to shorten your route, we present the table of contents of this article.


1. How scalpers make money: Here we will take a look at the logic behind scalping, and we’ll discuss the best conditions and necessary adjustments which must be made by a scalper for profitable trading.

2. Choosing the right broker for scalping: Not every broker is accommodative to scalping. Sometimes this is the stated policy of the firm, at other times the broker creates the conditions which make successful scalping impossible. It is important that the novice scalper know what to look for in the broker before opening his account, and here we’ll try to enlighten you on these important points.

3. Best currencies for Scalping: There are currency pairs where scalping is easy and lucrative, and there are others where we advise strongly against the use of this strategy. In this part we’ll discuss this important subject in detail and give you usable hints for your trades.

4. Best times for Scalping: There is an ongoing debate about the best times for successful scalping in the forex market. We’ll present the various opinions, and then offer our own conclusion.

5. Strategies in Scalping: Strategies in scalping need not differ substantially from other short-term methods. On the other hand, there are particular price patterns and configurations where scalping is more profitable. We’ll examine and study them in depth in this section.

a. Range Scalping: Some traders consider ranging markets better suited for scalping strategies. Here we’ll examine why, and how to scalp under such conditions.

b. Breakout Scalping: We’ll examine news breakouts, and technical breakouts separately and discuss suitable scalping strategies for both.

c. Trend Scalping: Here we’ll take a general look at forex scalping in trending markets.

6. Trend Following while Scalping: Trends are volatile, and many scalpers choose to trade them like a trend follower, while minimizing the trade lifetime in order to control market risk. In this part we’ll examine the usage of Fibonacci extension levels for scalping trends.

7. Disadvantages and Criticism of Scalping: Scalping is not for everyone, and even seasoned scalpers and those committed to the style would do well to keep in mind some of the dangers and disadvantages involved in using the style blindly.

8. Conclusions: In this final section we’ll combine the lessons and discussions of the previous chapters, and reach at conclusions about who should use the forex scalping trading style, and the best conditions under which it can be utilized.

By Forex Traders


Trade Timing — how to decide entry/exit points.

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If money management is one half-of trading, determination of entry/exit points constitutes the other half. No amount of successful analysis will be useful if we can't determine good trigger points for our trades. Even if we know that the value of a currency pair will appreciate in the future, unless we have a clear conception of when that appreciation will occur, and where it will end, our knowledge is unlikely to bring us great profits. Similarly, even in the unfortunate situation where the analysis that justified the opening of a position is false, mastery of trade timing might allow us to register positive returns due to the high volatility in the forex market. Clearly, we need powerful strategies to help us calculate the best trigger values for a trade justified by careful and patient analysis.

Before going into the technical aspects that complicate our trading decisions, we must say a few words on the necessity of emotional control in ensuring a successful and meaningful trading process. Let's repeat again, as we've done many times on this site, that without proper control over our feelings not a single word in this text would help us to trade profitably. The psychological endurance necessary for achieving a successful trading career is an important precursor to both money management and trade timing. Consequently, even before beginning the study of trade timing, we must concentrate our energies toward the goal of understanding and restraining our emotions, and gaining control over the psychological aspects of decision-making in a trading career. The Main Principle of Trade Timing.

The first principle of trade timing is that it’s impossible to be certain about both the price and the technical pattern at the same time. The trader can base his timing on the actualization of a technical formation, or he can base it on a price level, and he can ensure that his trade is only executed when either of these events occur, but he cannot formulate a strategy where his trade will be executed when both of these occur at the same time. Of course it is possible that by chance a predefined price level is reached precisely at the time that the desired technical pattern occurs, but this is rare, and unpredictable.

Supposing that the trader is desiring to buy one lot of the EURUSD pair, he has the option of basing his entry point on the realization of a technical pattern, or the reaching of a price. For example, he may decide that he’ll buy the pair when the RSI indicator is at an oversold level. Or he may decide, for money management purposes, that he’ll buy it at 1.35, to reduce his risk. Similarly, he may choose to place his stop-loss order at the price point where the RSI reaches 50, or he may choose to enter an absolute stop-loss order at 1.345, to cut losses short. But due to the unpredictability of the price action it is not possible to define an RSI level, and a price level at the same time for the same trade.

We may examine this further on a chart.

This is an hourly chart of the GBPUSD pair between 5 December 2008 and 5 January 2009. We’re supposing that we opened a long position at around 1.5, where the RSI registered an extreme value at 24. In this case we expect to close our position when the value of the indicator rises above 50, to acquire healthy profits while not risking too much by staying in the market for long. We could have alternatively placed a real stop-loss order at 1.48, for example, but we decide not to do so because of the high volatility in the market. However we do expect that if the RSI rises, we will not need a stop-loss order, because the price would have been at a higher level indicating a profit, since it’s supposed to rise with a rising price.

But such is not the case, as we can see in the picture above. When the RSI had risen to 49.35 on the chart, which is a close enough point for our goal on the indicator, our position is, surprisingly, in the red. Not only do we fail to match our stop-loss to a lower price, but we actually match a lower price with our take profit point, which was 50 as mentioned. To put it shortly, the indicator converged on the price action, contrary to our expectation that it would move in parallel.

How to time our trades: Layered trade orders.

What are the lessons derived from this example? First, the correspondence between technical values and actual prices is weak. And as we stated in the beginning, it’s not possible to base our trade timing on a price and an indicator at the same time. Second, technical indicators have a tendency to surprise, and how much a trader relies on them will depend on both his risk tolerance and trading preferences. Lastly, technical divergences, while useful as indicators, can also be dangerous when they occur at the time when we are willing to realize a profit.

So what is the use of technical analysis in timing our trades? Most importantly, how are we going to ensure that we don’t suffer great losses when divergences on the indicators appear and invalidate our strategy, and blur our power of foresight?

The potential of the divergence/convergence phenomenon for creating entry points has been examined extensively by the trader community, but its tendency to complicate the exit point has not received much attention. But it is just one of the many aspects of trade timing that is complicated by the unexpected inconsistencies which appear between price and everything else. So if we had the choice, we would prefer to exclude price from all the calculations made in order to reduce the degree of uncertainty and chaos from our trades. Unfortunately that is not possible, as price is the only determinant of profit and loss in our trades.

In trade timing, the trader has to take some risk. The best way of taking the risk and avoiding excessive losses is using a layered defense line, so to speak, against market fluctuations and adverse movements and we discussed how to do this in our article on stop loss orders. The best way of taking the risk and maximizing our profits is the subject of entry timing, and the best way of doing so is using an attack line that is also layered. What do we mean by that?

In ancient warfare, it was well-understood that the commander must keep some of his forces fresh and uncommitted to exploit the opportunities and crises that arise during the course of a battle. For instance, if the commander had run out of cavalry reserves when the enemy launched a major charge against one of his flanks, he might have found himself in an extremely unpleasant situation. Similarly, if he had no rested and ready troops to mount a charge at the time his opponent demonstrated signs of exhaustion, a major opportunity would have been lost.

The layered attack technique of the trader aims to utilize the same principle with the purpose of not running out of capital at the crucial moment. In essence we want to make sure that we commit our assets (that is our capital) in a layered, gradual manner for the dual purpose of eliminating the problems caused by faulty timing, and also outlasting the periods associated with greatest volatility. By opening a position with only a small portion of our capital, we ensure that the initial risk taken is small. By adding to it gradually, we make sure that our rising profits are riding a trend that has the potential to last long. Finally, by committing our capital when the trend shows signs of weakness, we build up our own confidence, while controlling our risk properly by placing our stop-loss orders on a price level that may bring profits instead of losses.

To sum it up, the golden rule of trade timing is to keep it small, and to avoid timing by entering a position gradually. Since it is not possible to know anything about the markets with certainty, we will seek to have our scenario confirmed by market action through gradual, small positions that are built up in time. This scheme will eliminate the complicated issues associated with trade timing, while allowing us great comfort while entering and exiting trades.

Of course, there are cases where the risk/reward ratio is so positive that there is no great necessity for gradual entries. In such cases, the exact price where the position is opened is not very important. So we will not be discussing such situations in this article.


In surveys on what traders find most difficult about trading, timing often comes up as the top issue. Since timing is the only variable that directly influences the profit or loss of a position, the emotional intensity of the decision is great. While it is expected that every successful trader will achieve a degree of emotional control and confidence, the pressures of trade timing are often so severe for many beginners that the process that leads to a calm and patient attitude to trading never has a chance to develop.

To avoid this problem, the role of trade timing must be minimized, at least at the beginning of a trader’s career. And this can only be achieved if the size of the position is built up along with the trader’s confidence in it, and stop-loss orders are created where the closing of the position may result in gains, albeit small. All these factors lead us to consider the gradual method to the best one for trade timing, while minimizing our risk.

By Forex Traders

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