LSMA and EMA with angle ? - page 2

In case you did not know this I have a degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and a minor in Mathematics as well as over 30 years of programming experience. Before that I was a mathematical analyst for several years. Robert

Please, could You accept my humble excuses if I have underevaluate Your intelligence? I am only post graduate in nuclear physics, so You are certainly right !


In case you did not know this I have a degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and a minor in Mathematics as well as over 30 years of programming experience. Before that I was a mathematical analyst for several years.


Dude geeeeez then why the hell are you on here you should be rich enough to have people type for you.


LSMA angle

LSMA angle (by Alexander Gettinger) lsma_angle.mq4
