Swiss Ephemeris .dll


I am aware MT4 is able to interface with .dll libraries, and have seen some very brief tutorials around, however I cannot get past step 1 at the moment with the Swiss Epgemeris .dll (used for planetary positions).

I have been reading quite a lot of instances of .dll's from external sources not being compile apropriately for MT4 to interface with. I can program MT4 fine, but have zero experience with C++ or other languages used to compile these libraries.

If anyone has the time, can you see if you can interface with the attached .dll in any way .. a simple "hello world" test will be enough for me to go on with

(.dll and some docs for it attached).


Did anyone have a go at this by any chance? .. no worries if it didn't work out .. just wondering if anyone else was having the same problems as me ..