LastTradeTime equivalent in MT4?


Hello.... can anyone tell me what the MT4 equivalent of LastTradeTime is? I'm trying to convert the following line to MT4:

mql line:

If((CurTime-LastTradeTime)<300) then Exit;

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Hello.... can anyone tell me what the MT4 equivalent of LastTradeTime is? I'm trying to convert the following line to MT4:

mql line:

If((CurTime-LastTradeTime)<300) then Exit;

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


After each succesfull server order like OrderSend() or OrderClose() ... you may add "LastTradeTime = CurTime();"

After each succesfull server order like OrderSend() or OrderClose() ... you may add "LastTradeTime = CurTime();"

That's fantastic.... thanks for your help Michel!


I'm using this formula but looking that is not working:

if ((TimeCurrent()-LastTradeTime)<60) return(0);

What is wrong?