4 hour data


My 4 hour data with interbank suddenly changed.. and im trying to fix it to no avail.

My data was from 2004 until today.

Now, the data im getting is a few ticks from 2001.. then suddenly i get todays feed. I dont know why this is happening. totally unexpected.

Can someone upload their 4 hour meta data HST for EURUSD for me pls. I cant seem to get it fixed.

Everything else seems to be fine - all other currency pairs... and times.


Same thing happened to me, not sure why. Last night the EURUSD chart udpated all of a sudden and now my 4hr is off, but 1hr and daily are still fine.

Sorry I can't help you fix it.


i figured out the updates..

i just loaded from alpari data.. the 1 minute data.. and converted it to 4 hours, and other time frames.

i didnt know that period converter overwrote the existing history files... i was looking for new files in other folders. had to look at the source to understand it.

Here's the new 4 hour data... for anybody that needs it.

it's in hst format.... unzip it first

eurusd240.zip  52 kb