Needed Help with FA provider


Hi all,

does anybody know about any Foundamental Anouncement (FA) provider that can be quite early at releasing news to react promptly and take the right way of the trend.

thanx for the info u can give,

aburra valley, gusdinsalvo


I think IFR news plug-in on FXCM trading platform should be quite fast on economic news release. But I don't use FXCM trading platform again, so I don't know if it still available there. Hope this help


Thanx Fire Dave

I think IFR news plug-in on FXCM trading platform should be quite fast on economic news release. But I don't use FXCM trading platform again, so I don't know if it still available there. Hope this help

Thanx firedave for the info and if I don't have any acces to Fxcm news provider, do u know any online free source????
