Fibonacci Video link


Here is a new video for everyone, Mark Braun and Carol Boroden host the video, enjoy

Here is a new video for everyone, Mark Braun and Carol Boroden host the video, enjoy

thanks foreverold for the link big fan of fibonacci


Hi Guys!

I'm also a big fan of trading of the fibo, but I using RSI 14 and RSI 5 on TF M15, M30 and H1 and D1 and ABCD formation and patterns, but I still not a master od that. Something I doing wrong. Some one can tell me what?

I be very gratefull


Hi Guys! I'm also a big fan of trading of the fibo, but I using RSI 14 and RSI 5 on TF M15, M30 and H1 and D1 and ABCD formation and patterns, but I still not a master od that. Something I doing wrong. Some one can tell me what? I be very gratefull Violet

Youtube Jason Stapleton and Akil Stokes. They have some videos about Fibonacci.


Jason is good. I watch almost all his video on youtube. He start my passion to fibo. The other guy i I haven't idea but I check his video soon.


Why is about this strategy so quiet here. Why are you all so shy. Nobody have something to say about it more?


Hi violet, watch this video. Seems quite information regarding Fibonacci. Ooppss I can't post links here. Less than 2 posting..hehe I will post in next reply


There is a plenty Fibo videos on youtube which really informative.


The first one is Understanding Fibonacci retracement lines

Understanding Fibonacci retracement lines - YouTube


thanks for this


Thanks very much

i m search trading with tools fibbonaci

is very good.