Linefeeds in sendmail body?


Hello everyone,

I've been trying unsuccessfully to imbed CRLF (linefeeds) into my email body using sendmail. Sendmail wants to convert everything to text including chr$(13) & chr$(10) ('/r'+'/n'), etc.

Does anyone know if there is a special character/code that can be placed inside the message body, that sendmail will interpret as a linefeed?

(I also tried sending HTML, but no go)

All responses are appreciated.




use: \n

SendMail( "Subject line" , "line1 \n line2" );


use: \n

SendMail( "Subject line" , "line1 \n line2" );

Wooohooo! You nailed it! Thanks fx1!


Wooohooo! You nailed it! Thanks fx1! -charliev

Thanks, I have been dying to know this as well!