I can not attach a file


I create a theme and I can not attach a file.

I use IE 6.02.

I press the button "Manage Attachments" and nothing occurs .



Use winrar or winzip

Rar or Zip'ed the file before attaching. It should help.

I create a theme and I can not attach a file.

I use IE 6.02.

I press the button "Manage Attachments" and nothing occurs .


U are using IE?!?!?! get in the now dude, download firefox 1.5 and all your worries will be over...

No seriously, I am not sure what is wrong but I only use firefox to surf and no problem here.


I create a theme and I can not attach a file.

I use IE 6.02.

I press the button "Manage Attachments" and nothing occurs .


Perhaps you have a popup blocker, try to press 'manage attachments' with shift or ctrl pressed.

Also see your status bar to see if your popups are being blocked.

Best regards


Thanks for the help. Business was in popup blocker.