Indicators: Detrended Synthetic Price (histo)


Detrended Synthetic Price (histo):

Detrended Synthetic Price with histogram.

Author: Mladen Rakic

Detrended Synthetic Price (histo)
Detrended Synthetic Price (histo)
  • 2017.03.17
  • Mladen Rakic
Detrended Synthetic Price with histogram.

Dear Mladen, I tested the Oscillator and found it has nice results using Value 4 for Long and Value 6 for Short (when there's value in these two in the Data Window).

I compared to the Histogram and I realized that Histogram is one candle slower, both parameters are the same. I was thinking Histogram would be easier for me to read charts because reading through Data Window is a bit slower. Can you help on this? Thanks.