Why the signal option is not proposed by all mt4 broker


hello all, 

i‌ don't understand why the signal option is not implemented in all the mt4 broker.

O‌nly few propose it.

F‌or example : XTD, IG, FX PRO, FXCM, Etc... do not propose it.

W‌hy that, somebody got an explanation...?

‌Thanks by advance...

Ask them.
Why we need to reply if they do not want to ...
Patrick Nebot:

hello all, 

i‌ don't understand why the signal option is not implemented in all the mt4 broker.

O‌nly few propose it.

F‌or example : XTD, IG, FX PRO, FXCM, Etc... do not propose it.

W‌hy that, somebody got an explanation...?

‌Thanks by advance...

whether or not support signal is depend on MT4 broker, some broker do not want  you use signal copy, so forbit signal