How to select last opened Deal Price or current just bought without modifiy order? OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, 1, Ask, NULL, NULL, OrderOpenPrice()+1*Point, NULL, NULL, NULL);


I need help with this line of coding:

  OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, 1, Ask, NULL, NULL, OrderOpenPrice()+1*Point, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Trying to place an order send to just place buys at latest bought price without having to modify order or any other newb ways which result in more lag.

1. Not currently readily accessible data through quick google. Any good IRC channels?

2. What is the most latency efficient way to auto toggle the Latest/most recently opened order so that i can place orders more than one time per second? 

Side note: Placing many orders in under 1 time per second gets jarbled up and the take profits are put incorrect.

Seems like a bug. time should be in microseconds not just seconds for this

Complete newbie . some bash. Hope I get an answer somewhere

Notice incorrect take profits in attached GIF.

OrderSend - Trade Functions - MQL4 Reference
NULL is not valid slippage, requires an int.
NULL is not valid SL, requires a price or zero
You can not use any OrderSelect Trade Functions until you select an order first.
NULL is not a valid MN, requires a int
NULL is not a valid expiration, requires a datetime or zero.

  OrderSend (

int  OrderSend(
   string   symbol,              // symbol
   int      cmd,                 // operation
   double   volume,              // volume
   double   price,               // price
   int      slippage,            // slippage
   double   stoploss,            // stop loss
   double   takeprofit,          // take profit
   string   comment=NULL,        // comment
   int      magic=0,             // magic number
   datetime expiration=0,        // expiration
   color    arrow_color=clrNONE  // color
It takes time to open orders (live.) During news releases it can take minutes to open an order. Opening more than one per second isn't likely to work.

In addition, opening one lot requires about 2K margin. How much free margin do you have?

The only "latency efficient" way is pending orders, so they open without round trip network delay, and shorter queue length.
Thanks .