Exit Strategy : What's yours? - page 2


by reversal signal
by volatility in the last % of time elapsed from its OpenTime
(you can consider this a tighter/smarter trailing stoploss)

you listed "by stop loss" when "by trailing stop" is already present
(stop) loss is not an exit strategy
or maybe you can list "by margin call" too ;D

hi oddpip,
how do you define stop loss?
once is triggered it close position and exit from position. also it can work togheter with a trailing system.
hi oddpip,
how do you define stop loss?
once is triggered it close position and exit from position. also it can work togheter with a trailing system.
Trailing Stop is a moving Stop Loss

Stop Loss alone is not moving

i use both trailing stop and a "virtual stop"
(there is no need to wait the price hit the SL
when there are the conditions to close the trade)

why can't I vote for it?
why can't I vote for it?
anyone can vote. i just asked you why stop loss isn't an exit strategy.that' all. now i have read your answer.
If I can code a EA with exit with hindsight them my EA would be holy grail.

How to code an exit with hindsight? 
The video mention to exit trade when setup is not valid. Does that means reversal signal comes along, we should actually close the trade?
all of the above
By Reversal Buy/Sell Signal
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types - Documentation on MQL5

Usually I head up for specific profit, and on negative side I still hope the market will recover. This proved risky many times, but still I am not yet a professional trader.

  • 36% By Take Profit
  • 20% By Stop Loss
  • 20% By Reversal Buy/Sell Signal
  • 16% By Trailing Stop
  • 8% Others, Pls Specify


 hmmm, alot of you guys just let your trade sits till it hit TP? No management even reversal signal comes along?