Gold & Silver Prices 2011 is not the highest compared to Hsitorical prices ? Do you Belive That


Gold & Silver Prices 2011 is not the highest compared to historical data : Do you belive that ?

When we deflate the prices of Jan 1980 for gold and silver which reach for gold in jan 1980 $760 and compared with current prices is the highest , if we deflate the gold prices with consumer prices index that time.
Big Question for whom concern in Elliott Waves :

My Qeustions is the Techncial Analysis consider the deflation & inflaction v/s market prices ?

i.e. Big Question :

Is Elliott Waves Consider the (Inflation & Devlation) ?
My Regards,
Wagdy F. Taher 

Please see the attached Chart   

Gold & Silver Priced deflated with consumer index