Does anyone can find the server named "xcoq" on PC MT4 plantform ?!


Since i cannot find this broker on MT4 trading plantform..... 

Focus on foreign exchange, gold, CFD CFD-XCOQ slag Cape Official Website
Slag Pu (XCOQ) provides online forex trading platform, is a professional member of the retail forex traders, providing customers with real-time rate quotes and 24-hour customer service, customer service hotline :400 -678-5132 are justified :400 -678-5162 ; 400-678-5192
001.jpg  279 kb
Leung Tai Wong:

Since i cannot find this broker on MT4 trading plantform..... 

Ask their customer support...
Don Wong: Since i cannot find this broker on MT4 trading plantform.....
Did you download MT4 from their site?