As working, Save Objects,Text on the Chart . Prevent from Losing items Due to a Unexpected crash of PC.


MT4 Platform

The Mt4 Platform automatically saves objects,Indicators,Text on the chart when it is closed.

When my PC Closes unexpectedly/Crashes, it doesn't save the  objects,Lines,Indicators,Text on the chart.

How can I save the things I have put on the chart  eg; objects,Lines,Indicators,Text on the chart " as I work" . So they are not lost when my PC closes unexpectedly ?



barnacle7: The Mt4 Platform automatically saves objects,Indicators,Text on the chart when it is closed. When my PC Closes unexpectedly/Crashes, it doesn't save the Objects, Lines, Indicators, Text on the chart.
How can I save the things I have put on the chart as I work, so they are not lost when my PC closes unexpectedly?
Save the chart to a Template. Please read the documentation on Templates and Profiles.

Thanks FMIC,


Is there away to save on the the New Text ,Objects on the "Default" Profile

Using a Short Cut that replicates the "Save" that Automatically occurs on Exit of the Platform ?

barnacle7: Is there away to save on the the New Text ,Objects on the "Default" Profile. Using a Short Cut that replicates the "Save" that Automatically occurs on Exit of the Platform?

Did you mean "Default" Template or Profile? They are very different things!

You should not be saving things to the Default template (note that I did not write profile), because that is your "Clean" Default template, not your daily updated chart. Save your daily chart to some other name, but not the "default" template.

When you exit MetaTrader it already saves all the open charts (with there various objects, etc.) to the current profile (please note that I wrote profile here).

Swapping the profiles flushes all the charts of the current profile to the disk. You may Save as ... between two profile names, without resetting scripts on the charts.