How indicate ONLY in loss trades


Hi guys,

here i am again to ask you an help.

As in subject i wish EA close trades after X minute if position is in loss. So i write the following code:

void exitloss()
{  int ExpireX=60*MaxHour;

   for(int cnt=0; cnt<OrdersTotal(); cnt++)
            if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
               { Print("SUPERATO COUNTDOWN PER IL GAIN!!!!");

Backtesting log return me on "SUPERATO TEMPO MAX.." and it closes every trade after my time.

 Seems OrderProfit<0 doesn't work...

How can i indicate only in loss positions?? 

Thank you for your help.

Il_Messia: Seems OrderProfit<0 doesn't work...
int ExpireX=60*MaxHour;
  1. Print out your variables, and find out why.
  2. if( seconds < seconds - nMinutes) will usually be true.
  1. Print out your variables, and find out why.
  2. if( seconds < seconds - nMinutes) will usually be true.
 Thankyou...seems order profit is always 0, still when i'm gain. I don't know what's wrong

Why do you think OrderProfit doesn't work?

Try to understand WHRoeder's post and fix your time calculation.


sorry maybe i can't understand something...i'm italian and it's easy don't understand.

time calculation was good but i can't comprend why Orderprofit return 0 value 


What does the semicolon at the end of the OrderSelect line do?

Solved using the orderprofit calculate