Execute an exe-file from MQL



Is there a safety method to execute an exe-file from an EA? 


By "safety", do you mean running the antivirus software first?

Sorry, no, I mean one method that really works.

How can I run an exe-file from an EA out? 



#import "shell32.dll"
// https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1467
int ShellExecuteW(int hWnd,int lpVerb,string lpFile,string lpParameters,string lpDirectory,int nCmdShow);

ShellExecuteW or ShellExecuteA?

Thank you all.



  1. The first argument is an int, use 0 not NULL.
  2. The last two are strings. Try passing empty strings ("") not NULLS.
But the second argument is int, but here with "open" a string?
  1. Strings have been Unicode since Build 600 17.02.2014. You must use the W version.
  2. Where do you get that idea?
    HINSTANCE ShellExecute(
      _In_opt_ HWND    hwnd,
      _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpOperation,
      _In_     LPCTSTR lpFile,
      _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpParameters,
      _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpDirectory,
      _In_     INT     nShowCmd
    -- ShellExecute function (Windows)
