Help !!

Can any one check the EA why it is giving order send error 130 and not placing order when the other is close
extern int start_hour = 2 ;
extern int end_hour = 5 ;
extern int max_trades = 4 ;
extern bool Break_Even = true ;
extern double BE_Pips = 300;   
extern double BE_SL_PIPS = 100 ;  
extern bool   Use_RiskManagement_LotSize=false;
extern double Risk_Percent=2;
extern double take_profit = 400 ; // take profit value for your orders .
extern double stop_loss   = 200 ; // stop loss value for your orders .
extern double lot_size    = 0.1 ; // lot size for your orders .
extern double slippage    = 2   ; // slippage for your orders .
extern bool use_martingale = true ; 
extern double multiply_in_loss = 2 ; 

extern int       BoxLength                        = 8;
extern double    BoxRange                         = 25;
extern string    BoxTimeFrame                     = "0";
extern double    BoxBufferPips                    = 2;
extern int       MinBarsClosedOutsideBO           = 0;
extern int       MaxBreakoutTradesPerBox          = 4;
extern bool      InitialBreakoutDirectionOnly     = false;
extern bool      LongTrades                       = true;
extern bool      ShortTrades                      = true;
extern double    QuickTakeProfit                  = 40;
extern double    StopLossOverride                 = 20;
extern double    EmergencyStopLoss                = 100;
extern bool      BoxMartingale                    = true;
extern bool      AutoReduceBoxSize                = true;
extern int       DaysBack                         = 0;
extern bool      SignalMail                       = false;
extern bool      SignalAlert                      = true;
extern bool      ShowFibs                         = false;
extern string    FibSequence                      = "0.618,1.382,2.618,4.236,5.854,7.472,9.090,11.708,14.326";
extern int       FibsFontSize                     = 7;
extern color     FibsLinesColor                   = DimGray;
extern int       FibsLinesWidth                   = 1;
extern bool      ShowSwings                       = true;
extern int       SwingsFontSize                   = 9;
extern color     SwingsLinesColor                 = Wheat;
extern int       SwingsLinesWidth                 = 1;
extern int       BoxFontSize                      = 9;
extern color     BoxColor                         = 11184640;
extern color     ContBoxColor                     = Violet;
extern bool      ContBoxFullColored               = true;
extern color     BoxBufferLinesColor              = 11184640;
extern int       BoxBufferLinesWidth              = 2;
extern color     ContBoxBufferLinesColor          = Yellow;
extern int       ContBoxBufferLinesWidth          = 2;
extern color     BreakoutPriceColor               = 11184640;
extern int       BreakoutPriceWidth               = 1;
extern color     ContBoxPriceColor                = Blue;
extern int       ChartDisplay                     = 3;
extern int       DisplayPanelFontSize             = 7;
extern color     StatsColor                       = DimGray;
extern color     StatsBGColor                     = Black;
extern color     PipsProfitColor                  = DarkGreen;
extern color     PipsLossColor                    = MediumVioletRed;
extern int       StatsCorner                      = 0;
extern bool      BoxVerticalLineDelimiter         = true;
extern color     BoxVerticalLineColor             = DarkSlateGray;
extern int       SwingLabelsFontSize              = 9;
extern color     SwingLabelsColor                 = Pink;
extern int       BuySignalArrowCode               = 2;
extern color     BuySignalArrowColor              = 11193702;
extern int       BuySignalArrowWidth              = 3;
extern int       SellSignalArrowCode              = 2;
extern color     SellSignalArrowColor             = 5275647;
extern int       SellSignalArrowWidth             = 3;
extern string    Fonts                            = "Calibri";

int magic_b = 25463 ; // magic number for your buy order
int magic_s = 78133 ; // magic number for your sell order
double high_value ;  // high value of indicator 
double low_value ;   // low value of indicator
int ticket_b ; // ticket number for buy order
int ticket_s ; // ticket number for sell order
double lot_risk ; // extern lot size variable
double g            ;
double v            ;
datetime start_box  ;
datetime close_box ;
bool trading ;
double sell_signal ;
double buy_signal ;
double Last_high_value = 0 ;
double Last_low_value = 0 ;
double box_start ;
double last_box = 0 ;
double profit ;
int type ;
double lots ;
double lot_used ;
int magic ;
double count_orders = 0 ;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   Alert("The EA Have Been Attach to chart"+Symbol()+"succesfully ");
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   Alert("The EA have been removed");
   Alert("error number = ",GetLastError());
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
 SSBOD() ;
 Last_Profit() ;
 lot() ;
if( box_start != last_box )
 last_box = box_start ;
 count_orders = 0 ;
 if( OrdersTotal() != 0 )
   double h = OrderDelete(ticket_s);
   double a = OrderDelete(ticket_b);

if( Hour() >= end_hour && Hour() < start_hour )
if( Hour() >= start_hour && Hour() <= end_hour )
   if( OrdersTotal() == 0 )
     if( profit < 0 && use_martingale == true)
      lot_used = lots*multiply_in_loss ;
       lot_used = lot_risk ;
      Alert("order place due to first condition");
       buy_stop()  ; 
       sell_stop() ;
int type0;
int ticket;
int total = OrdersTotal();
double openPrice, stopPrice,bbprice,bsprice;
if( Break_Even )
 for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)
  for(int j=i;j>=0;j--)
  if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS))
    ticket     = OrderTicket();
    type0      = OrderType();
    openPrice  = OrderOpenPrice();
    stopPrice  = OrderStopLoss();
    bbprice    = OrderOpenPrice()+BE_SL_PIPS*Point;
    bsprice    = OrderOpenPrice()-BE_SL_PIPS*Point;
    if(type0 == OP_SELL && stopPrice > openPrice && Ask<= (openPrice-BE_Pips*Point) && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
    else if(type0 == OP_BUY && stopPrice < openPrice && Bid>= (openPrice+BE_Pips*Point)&& OrderSymbol()==Symbol() )
    OrderModify(ticket,OrderOpenPrice(), bbprice,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Blue);
if( box_start != last_box )     // if there is a new box
  last_box = box_start ;     
  start_box = iTime(NULL,0,0);  // start time of the box 
static datetime loct; // last order closed time
for(int iPos=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1; iPos >= 0; iPos--) 
if (OrderSelect(iPos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)  
   &&  OrderType()        <=1
   &&  OrderCloseTime()    >  loct && OrderCloseTime() > start_box
    count_orders ++ ;   
    loct = OrderCloseTime() ;
if( place_orders()  )
if( profit < 0  ) 
  if( type == OP_BUY )
   if( OrdersTotal() == 0 )
   if( use_martingale )
   lot_used = lots * multiply_in_loss ;
   lot_used = lot_risk ;
 else if( type == OP_SELL )
   if( OrdersTotal() == 0 )
   if( use_martingale )
   lot_used = lots * multiply_in_loss ;
    lot_used = lot_risk ;
   // keep smiling
//Alert("OrderLimit have been exceedded");

bool place_orders() 
  if( count_orders >= max_trades ) 
  else if( count_orders <= max_trades )

int close_all() // user defne function for deleting pending order and closing market order.
 int total=OrdersTotal();                  // declaring total to Orders Total function.
 for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)
   int y=OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS);           // selecting the order.
   int typec=OrderType();                // declaring typr to OrdersTYpe.
   bool result=false;                    // declaring result to false.
   switch(typec) // checking orders type.
    //Close opened long positions.
    case OP_BUY       : result=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID),5,Red); // if it is a buy order than close the order with the given parameters
    break;            // breaking the loop
    //Close opened short positions.
    case OP_SELL      : result=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK),5,Red); // if it is a sell order than use the followinf parametrs for closing the trade
    break;            // breaking the loop
    //Close pending orders.
    case OP_BUYLIMIT  : result=OrderDelete(OrderTicket());                 // if it is buy limit order.
    case OP_BUYSTOP   : result=OrderDelete(OrderTicket());                  // if it is buy styop order.
    case OP_SELLLIMIT : result=OrderDelete(OrderTicket());                  // if it is sell limit order.
    case OP_SELLSTOP  : result=OrderDelete(OrderTicket());   //  if it is sell stop order or any one of order from the above cases use the given parameters for its deletion 
  if(result==false) // declaring result to false
   // Alert("Order ",OrderTicket()," failed to close. Error:",GetLastError());     // if order was not selected than give us its ticket number and tell us its error number
    Sleep(3000);                          // stoping ther functions for 3000 seconds
  return(0);                                // return the value zero

void Last_Profit()
static datetime lastOrderCloseTime;
    for(int iPos=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1; iPos >= 0; iPos--) 
    if (
        OrderSelect(iPos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)  
    &&  OrderType()        <=1
    &&  OrderCloseTime()    >  lastOrderCloseTime
      profit = OrderProfit() ;
      type = OrderType() ;
      lots = OrderLots() ;
      magic = OrderMagicNumber();
      lastOrderCloseTime = OrderCloseTime();

void sell_stop()
 Alert("value of lot = ",lot_used);
 Alert("value of low line = ",low_value);
 Alert("value of stoploss = ",low_value+(stop_loss*Point));
 Alert("value of takeprofit = ",low_value-(take_profit*Point) );
 ticket_s = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,lot_used,low_value,slippage,0,low_value-(take_profit*Point),"sell stop order",magic_s,0,Red);
 Alert("Sell Stop Order Error = ",GetLastError());

void buy_stop()
 Alert("value of lot = ",lot_used);
 Alert("value of high line = ",high_value);
 Alert("value of stoploss = ",high_value-(stop_loss*Point));
 Alert("value of takeprofit = ",high_value+(take_profit*Point));
 ticket_b = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,lot_used,high_value,slippage,0,high_value+(take_profit*Point),"buy stop order",magic_b,0,Blue);
 Alert("Buy stop order Error = ",GetLastError());

void SSBOD()
  high_value = iCustom(NULL,0,"AuthorizedSSBODynamicBreakoutBoxFinalEdition_v2.2nnew_box_alertx",BoxLength,BoxRange,BoxTimeFrame,BoxBufferPips,MinBarsClosedOutsideBO,MaxBreakoutTradesPerBox,InitialBreakoutDirectionOnly,LongTrades,ShortTrades,QuickTakeProfit,StopLossOverride,EmergencyStopLoss,BoxMartingale,AutoReduceBoxSize,DaysBack,SignalMail,SignalAlert,ShowFibs,FibSequence,FibsFontSize,FibsLinesColor,FibsLinesWidth,ShowSwings,SwingsFontSize,SwingsLinesColor,SwingsLinesWidth,BoxFontSize,BoxColor,ContBoxColor,ContBoxFullColored,BoxBufferLinesColor,BoxBufferLinesWidth,ContBoxBufferLinesColor,ContBoxBufferLinesWidth,BreakoutPriceColor,BreakoutPriceWidth,ContBoxPriceColor,ChartDisplay,DisplayPanelFontSize,StatsColor,StatsBGColor,PipsProfitColor,PipsLossColor,StatsColor,BoxVerticalLineDelimiter,BoxVerticalLineColor,SwingLabelsFontSize,SwingLabelsColor,BuySignalArrowCode,BuySignalArrowColor,BuySignalArrowWidth,SellSignalArrowCode,SellSignalArrowColor,SellSignalArrowWidth,Fonts,2,0);
  low_value  = iCustom(NULL,0,"AuthorizedSSBODynamicBreakoutBoxFinalEdition_v2.2nnew_box_alertx",BoxLength,BoxRange,BoxTimeFrame,BoxBufferPips,MinBarsClosedOutsideBO,MaxBreakoutTradesPerBox,InitialBreakoutDirectionOnly,LongTrades,ShortTrades,QuickTakeProfit,StopLossOverride,EmergencyStopLoss,BoxMartingale,AutoReduceBoxSize,DaysBack,SignalMail,SignalAlert,ShowFibs,FibSequence,FibsFontSize,FibsLinesColor,FibsLinesWidth,ShowSwings,SwingsFontSize,SwingsLinesColor,SwingsLinesWidth,BoxFontSize,BoxColor,ContBoxColor,ContBoxFullColored,BoxBufferLinesColor,BoxBufferLinesWidth,ContBoxBufferLinesColor,ContBoxBufferLinesWidth,BreakoutPriceColor,BreakoutPriceWidth,ContBoxPriceColor,ChartDisplay,DisplayPanelFontSize,StatsColor,StatsBGColor,PipsProfitColor,PipsLossColor,StatsColor,BoxVerticalLineDelimiter,BoxVerticalLineColor,SwingLabelsFontSize,SwingLabelsColor,BuySignalArrowCode,BuySignalArrowColor,BuySignalArrowWidth,SellSignalArrowCode,SellSignalArrowColor,SellSignalArrowWidth,Fonts,3,0);
  box_start = iCustom(NULL,0,"AuthorizedSSBODynamicBreakoutBoxFinalEdition_v2.2nnew_box_alertx",BoxLength,BoxRange,BoxTimeFrame,BoxBufferPips,MinBarsClosedOutsideBO,MaxBreakoutTradesPerBox,InitialBreakoutDirectionOnly,LongTrades,ShortTrades,QuickTakeProfit,StopLossOverride,EmergencyStopLoss,BoxMartingale,AutoReduceBoxSize,DaysBack,SignalMail,SignalAlert,ShowFibs,FibSequence,FibsFontSize,FibsLinesColor,FibsLinesWidth,ShowSwings,SwingsFontSize,SwingsLinesColor,SwingsLinesWidth,BoxFontSize,BoxColor,ContBoxColor,ContBoxFullColored,BoxBufferLinesColor,BoxBufferLinesWidth,ContBoxBufferLinesColor,ContBoxBufferLinesWidth,BreakoutPriceColor,BreakoutPriceWidth,ContBoxPriceColor,ChartDisplay,DisplayPanelFontSize,StatsColor,StatsBGColor,PipsProfitColor,PipsLossColor,StatsColor,BoxVerticalLineDelimiter,BoxVerticalLineColor,SwingLabelsFontSize,SwingLabelsColor,BuySignalArrowCode,BuySignalArrowColor,BuySignalArrowWidth,SellSignalArrowCode,SellSignalArrowColor,SellSignalArrowWidth,Fonts,4,0);

double RMLotSize()
   double acctbal=0.00;
//risk percentage
   double riskpercentage=0.00;
//amount of capitol to risk based on percentage
   double riskcapitol=0.00;
//lotsize based on risk capitol
   double lotsize=0.00;
//if lotsize is more than is permitted change the lotsize to the maximum  permitted
   if(lotsize>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT)) {lotsize=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);}
//if lotsize is less than is permitted change the lotsize to the minimum  permitted  
   if(lotsize<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)) {lotsize=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);}
void lot()
 lot_risk = RMLotSize() ;
else if( !Use_RiskManagement_LotSize )
  lot_risk = lot_size ;
  //Alert("Error using Risk ManageMent = ",GetLastError());