If it is not an integer



How do I write that an variable is (or not) an integer, or my integer variable does not have value ?


You declare a variable to what you need it to be

int a;

double b;

string c;


OK, i know

I declare

int N;

and after that as the situation changes I give a value to N, like N = 2 or N = 1 etc,

N can be 0>, 0< or 0.

but before these situations N does not have a value, I need to do something when N still does not have value.


Try with NULL: Void Type and NULL Constant 

thank you again.
It always has a value. If you don't give it one, it is random.
Either give it one, or add a boolean variable that states set or not.


N can be 0>, 0< or 0.

but before these situations N does not have a value, I need to do something when N still does not have value.

NULL is only for strings and pointers.
drazen64: Try with NULL: Void Type and NULL Constant 
It always has a value. If you don't give it one, it is random.
Either give it one, or add a boolean variable that states set or not.


N can be 0>, 0< or 0.

but before these situations N does not have a value, I need to do something when N still does not have value.

NULL is only for strings and pointers.
drazen64: Try with NULL: Void Type and NULL Constant 
OK, thanks, so I need to use another trick.