How to say or in mt4



How can I say or in mql4?

 I am trying to say

   if ( AccountNumber( ) != ccc or ccc1) return(0);

 but its obviously wrong.....

 Many Thanks 

 if ( AccountNumber( ) != ccc || AccountNumber( ) != ccc1)
Not sure if this is what you mean
Thank you
BTW ... what shall this be good for? The condition will always be true. What you're looking for is && 
I always feel amused when I see people asking questions about code protection (this seem to be one of those), when they can't even code. This question usually follows two more questions. a) how good can their to be protected code be and b) what does their to be protected code do, if they can't even code two lines of code. I usually end up advising people to learn to code first. Get their code to do what the aim of the code is and protect afterwards (if necessary). As a side note: If you don't hand out your code, then you don't need to protect it anyways.
BTW ... what shall this be good for? The condition will always be true. What you're looking for is && 
Thank You