How to find HIGH HELP!


HI friends,


              I would like to find High Low and open for a 9 hours period like 6:00 to 15:00 . How can I do it?


Thanks in Advance 

You have to loop though the hour-bars from 9 to 15:00
Show me a snippet Example, Please
Show me a snippet Example, Please

Have you looked into the editor's reference?

Taken from there:

for(x=1;x<=7000; x++) 

Now amending that:

int noH = 9; // Hours = Bars
double hiHi=High[0],loLo=Low[0]; // ini vars => 1st bar, 1st hour
for(x=1;x<noH; x++) { // loop 8 times
   hiHi = fmax(hiHi,High[x]); // if you are on a h1-chart, otherwise you have to use iHigh() and iLow()
   loLo = fmin(loLo, Low[x]);