Metatrader4 can't save file for MT4 users

The MetaE
The MetaEditor 4: Problem saving file to MetaEditor 4, as it ends up producing *.ex4 in Version5. This is not suitable for some users as brokers have not converted to the newer version of Metatrader. Please help as file need to be executed in the version 4.
thank you.

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The MetaEditor 4: Problem saving file to MetaEditor 4, 
as it ends up producing *.ex4 in Version5.
This is not suitable for some users as brokers
have not converted to the newer version of Metatrader.
Please help as file need to be executed in the version 4.
thank you.

I don't understand what the problem is 

Don't all MT4 platforms execute ex4 files? 

ex4 incompatibility. MT4  version 840 files 
cannot recognize MT4 version 890 files.