expert gets stack overflow error instantly when applied to offline chart...


Does not happen on online charts..

The offline chart's .hst is being 'fed'  by indicator running on a online chart - the usual stuff to feed !Tick<sym><tickCnt>.hst etc.

any and all suggestions requested


Do you have the expert code? It might have periods setting hardcoded.

Ovo, thanks your time..

My code and I set via "Input" the number of ticks so in current case I set to 10.

Put Print(..) first line of OnInit() 

Basically OnInit() never gets called so no EA code gets executed.

msgs on experts tab are:

Expert xyz !TickGBPUSD,M10: loaded successfully
Stack overflow in xyz
xyz !TickGBPUSD,M10: not initializedExpert xyz
xyz !TickGBPUSD,M10: uninit reason 8 NOTE:8 = REASON_INITFAILED
xyz !TickGBPUSD,M10: removed

You have to place the OnInit code here if you want someone to help you.
You have to place the OnInit code here if you want someone to help you.

If my code was at fault, yes I would. thanks. However, as I have said - init was never entered.
Additionally, the code is 100% working on Online charts and on an offline testbed MT4 install using tick charts.
It is not/cannot be the init code.

The code never gets called when ea applied to offline chart on an "online" client terminal - instead, it is aborted by ClientTerminal - that is of interest. A stackoverflow requires user code to run and my code never gets to run, if it did I would at least see some diagnostic o/p placed as 1st executable code of Oninit(). 

Your response is appreciated Ovo. Let's call it a day for now. I will find other methods to visualise my ea workings on tick charts.    It is only to satisfy myself that the code 'see's' entry/exit points of trades where I'd expect it to.


 thread closed