How To Get Highest Volume & Draw Horizontal Line At Open/Close

I've a questions about MQL4 programming.

How to get the highest volume (perhaps 1 bar or 2 bars only) in current day and then draw horizontal line at the close or open of candle?

Any help how to do this?
Many thanks

  1. Find the index to the start of day
  2. Find the index of the highest volume between start of day and 0
  3. Draw the line.
  1. Find the index to the start of day
  2. Find the index of the highest volume between start of day and 0
  3. Draw the line.

Hi WHRoeder, thank you for your answers. It's very usefull for me who newbie in MQL4.

I've coded but still get problems, I can't draw the horizontal line. Also there's some bars that's not draw/count the highest volume as can see the geen circle at the image.

How to draw the horizontal line based on High/Low or Open/Close? How to draw the blue line on Bull candle and the red line on Bear candle?

This's the code:

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_width2 1
#property indicator_style1 0
#property indicator_style2 0

extern int NumberOfBars = 500;
double HighLines[], LowLines[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   SetIndexLabel(0, "HighLines");
   SetIndexEmptyValue(0, EMPTY_VALUE);

   SetIndexLabel(1, "LowLines");
   SetIndexEmptyValue(1, EMPTY_VALUE);



//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   double HighestVolume;

   int Limit;
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   if ( NumberOfBars == 0 )
   NumberOfBars = Bars-counted_bars;

   for(int i=0; i<Limit; i++)
      HighLines[i] = Volume[i];
            HighestVolume = Volume[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_VOLUME,20,i)];
            if (Volume[i] == HighestVolume)


Your buffers are prices. what does it mean buffer[] = Volume[]?
Your buffers are prices. what does it mean buffer[] = Volume[]?

WHRoeder, I still got problems. Can you help me please? I'm very beginner in MQL4 programming.

#property indicator_chart_window
extern int NumberOfBars = 500;
extern int ControlOfBars = 24;
extern int NumberOfHighs = 3;
extern color UpColor = Blue;
extern color DownColor = Red;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
  double HighestVolume[NumberOfBars][NumberOfHighs];
  bool BullCandle = true;

  int Limit;
  int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

  //---- last counted bar will be recounted
  if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--; //always count the previous bar
  if ( NumberOfBars == 0 )
  NumberOfBars = Bars-counted_bars;

  for(int i=0; i<Limit; i++)
    //Counting highest volume
    HighestVolume = Volume[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_VOLUME, ControlOfBars, i)];

    if (Volume[i] == HighestVolume)
    //Filtering the maximum of highest volume
    for(int j=0; j<NumberOfHighs; j++)
      //Sorting highest volume
      ArraySort(HighestVolume, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);
      //Drawing lines
      if (iClose(Symbol(), 0, i) - iOpen(Symbol(), 0, i)<0)
      if (BullCandle)
        ObjectCreate(0,"UpColor",OBJ_HLINE,0, Time[0], UpColor);
        ObjectCreate(0,"DownColor",OBJ_HLINE,0, Time[0], DownColor);
  double HighestVolume[NumberOfBars][NumberOfHighs];

  HighestVolume = Volume[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_VOLUME, ControlOfBars, i)];
You declare HighestVolume as an array then try to give it a value without specifying [][]
You declare HighestVolume as an array then try to give it a value without specifying [][]
Thank you so much for your help.

Please guys can you help me out on this code. I'm try to build a grid lines indicator but the lines are no drawing, here are the codes :

#define  RS_LINES

//--- input parameters
input double     GridMax=2.0;
input double     GridMin=1.0;
input double     GridStep=10.0;
input color      GridColor=clrWhite;
input int     GridBackground=clrBlack;
input int        GridStyle =2;

double TickSize;
double pips;
double GridArray[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   TickSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
     if(TickSize ==0.00001 || Point == 0.001)
      pips= TickSize * 10;
      else pips= TickSize;

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int deinit()
double RS_MAX  = MathRound(GridMax / Point);
double RS_STEP = MathRound(GridStep/ Point);
double RS_MIN  = MathRound(GridMin / Point);

double STEP_RANGE = (RS_STEP * pips);
int index= MathFloor(RS_MAX / RS_STEP);

      for( int i= 1; i< index; i++)
   GridArray[i] = RS_MIN + (i * STEP_RANGE ) ;
     string     RS_HGLineName  =  RS_LINES + DoubleToStr    ( GridArray[i] , Digits        ) ;
  ObjectDelete( RS_HGLineName  =  RS_LINES  + DoubleToStr    (  GridArray[i] , Digits        ));

int start()
 int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
double RS_MAX  = MathRound(GridMax / Point);
double RS_STEP = MathRound(GridStep/ Point);
double RS_MIN  = MathRound(GridMin / Point);

double STEP_RANGE = (RS_STEP * pips);
int index= MathFloor(RS_MAX / RS_STEP);

      for( int i= 1; i< index; i++)
   GridArray[i] = RS_MIN + ( i * STEP_RANGE ) ;
     string       RS_HGLineName  = RS_LINES  + DoubleToStr    (GridArray[i] , Digits        ) ; //<  46>
       ObjectCreate  ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJ_HLINE     , 0 , 0          , GridArray[i]               ) ; //<  47>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_COLOR                  , GridColor                    ) ; //<  48>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_STYLE                  ,  GridStyle                     ) ; //<  49>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_BACK                   , GridBackground               ) ; //<  50>
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call


I will really appreciate it if the code is corrected......

when i did it as a  single variable it worked properly but when i then converted it to arrays,its stoped drawing horizontal lines, here is the Gridlines that worked  as single variable :

#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#define  RS_LINES
//--- input parameters
input double   RSG_HGmax=2.0;
input double   RSG_HGstep=50;
input double   RSG_HGmin=1.0;
input color    RSGI_HGcolor= 0;
input int      RSGI_HGstyle=2;
input int      RSGI_HGbackground=0;

double TickSize;
double pips;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
     TickSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE);
     if(TickSize ==0.00001 || Point == 0.001)
      pips= TickSize * 10;
      else pips= TickSize;

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int deinit()
double RS_MAX  = MathRound(RSG_HGmax / Point);
double RS_STEP = MathRound(RSG_HGstep/ Point);
double RS_MIN  = MathRound(RSG_HGmin / Point);

double RS_PRICE ;
double I;
double STEP_RANGE = (RS_STEP *pips);
 RS_PRICE  = I * Point;
  string     RS_HGLineName  = RS_LINES  + DoubleToStr    ( RS_PRICE , Digits        ) ;
  ObjectDelete( RS_HGLineName  = RS_LINES  + DoubleToStr    ( RS_PRICE , Digits        )); 
     } // for                                                                                             
int start()
int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
double RS_MAX  = MathRound(RSG_HGmax / Point) ;
double RS_STEP = MathRound(RSG_HGstep/ Point);
double  RS_MIN  = MathRound(RSG_HGmin / Point);
double RS_PRICE ;
double J;
double STEP_RANGE = (RS_STEP *pips);
 RS_PRICE  = J * Point;
   string       RS_HGLineName  = RS_LINES  + DoubleToStr    ( RS_PRICE , Digits        ) ; //<  46>
       ObjectCreate  ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJ_HLINE     , 0 , 0          , RS_PRICE                ) ; //<  47>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_COLOR                  , RSGI_HGcolor                     ) ; //<  48>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_STYLE                  , RSGI_HGstyle                     ) ; //<  49>
       ObjectSet     ( RS_HGLineName  , OBJPROP_BACK                   ,RSGI_HGbackground               ) ; //<  50>


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