need help with loop


Can somebody help me with loop


Show your loop

Explain your problem

Maybe someone can help you 

string zynga1 ="newvaluezynga1";
string zynga2 ="newvaluezynga2";
string zynga3 ="newvaluezynga3";
string zynga4 ="newvaluezynga4";
string zynga5 ="newvaluezynga5";
string zynga6 ="newvaluezynga6";
string zynga7 ="newvaluezynga7";
string zynga8 ="newvaluezynga8";
string zynga9 ="newvaluezynga9";
string zynga10 ="newvaluezynga10";
I would like to have a loop for this

You cannot code a loop to do that, but if you use an array, you can do similar

 string zynga[10];
 for(int x=0;x<10;x++)

 That does zynga[0] to zynga[9]

Thanks for explaining i will try this.

It is not working for me.

Maybey you can check out the expert file.

What i like is to place loops or array in the program.

really appriecied your help 

Sorry, but as I have no idea what you are trying to do, I am not going to search through 37KB of code.

If you open the file you can see the reason why i want to use loop or array.

Thanks anyway 


If you open the file you can see the reason why i want to use loop or array.

Thanks anyway 


I opened the file and I don't know why you want to use a loop or array.

If it is to reduce the lines of code that is understandable, so maybe that is what you want.

I'm just not prepared to go through 1400 lines of code when you haven't explained what your problem is 


To reduce the lines is indeed what i want.

And i am sorry that i wasn't clear about that. 

3056527: To reduce the lines is indeed what i want
learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.