Open file while writing - possible Y/N?



if i open a file for writing in the OnInit, use a timer to write, then close the file OnDeInit, is there anyway i can view file (read-only) during EA run?

i keep getting:  "<file>.csv cannot be accessed. The file may bcorrupted, located on a server that is not responding, or read-only."

int OnInit()
   {Alert("FileOpen OK");}
   else {Alert("Operation FileOpen failed, error ",GetLastError());}

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTimer()

Yeah you're right - I was crying too early: FILE_SHARE_READ did the trick..

int OnInit()

   {Alert("FileOpen OK");}
   else {Alert("Operation FileOpen failed, error ",GetLastError());}

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTimer()


i am writing this as a warning, as I  do not know if you itentionally set the flags without FILE_READ; in the absence of it, each time you open your file, it will be emptied and that may not be a desired behaviour in case of a failure recovery and similar

Ok, so if you decide that you actually need it, make sure that you have to use FILE_READ in conjuction with  FILE_SHARE_READ 

best regards 



i am writing this as a warning, as I  do not know if you itentionally set the flags without FILE_READ; in the absence of it, each time you open your file, it will be emptied and that may not be a desired behaviour in case of a failure recovery and similar

Ok, so if you decide that you actually need it, make sure that you have to use FILE_READ in conjuction with  FILE_SHARE_READ 

best regards 

Hello Demos,

i'm afraid i don't understand: the behavior is fine, but you are right: if the EA opens the file for writing, it empties it. is that what you mean?  I don't see you point why FILE_READ should always be used in conjunction with FILE_SHARE_READ. While intuitively is sounds reasonable, i'm not sure what the difference would be for me as a 'back-door' user of the file while being written by the EA. 

Can you elaborate?